Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Charly Gallo

Serge Telle, Minister of State, Opens the 17th Information Security and Systems Conferences

11 October 2017 Security News flash

Serge Telle, Minister of State, has just opened the Information Security and Systems Conferences ("Assises de la Sécurité") which are taking place at the Grimaldi Forum until 14 October."It is important for the Principality to welcome you again this year … because Monaco is one of the safest States in...

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Réception diplômés AMAF 2017 - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Serge Telle Receives AMAF Certification Holders

10 October 2017 The Economy News flash

On Tuesday, in the presence of the authorities, the Minister of State, Serge Telle, received employees who had been awarded the Monegasque Professional Certification. This certification was instigated by the Prince's Government on the initiative of the Monegasque Association for Financial Activities (AMAF).This mand...

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Charly Gallo

Half a Century in the Himalayas - A Hymn to Beauty - Matthieu Ricard - Photographs

10 October 2017 Culture News flash

On the initiative of the Department of Cultural Affairs, the Salle du Quai Antoine Ier is hosting an exhibition of photographs by Matthieu Ricard until 9 November. A hundred or so photographs are on display, depicting the personal journey of this famous Buddhist monk and neurobiologist through the world of the Himal...

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MonacoTech - 2nd Selection Jury

09 October 2017 The Economy News flash

The 2nd selection jury* of MonacoTech, the Incubator/Start-up Accelerator created by the Monegasque State in partnership with Monaco Telecom and Xavier Niel, met on 18 September. It chose 10 of the 105 files submitted, bringing the number of start-ups that will be housed in the premises in Fontvieille to 15. As a re...

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Monaco ONU - .E. Mme Isabelle Picco, Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès des Nations Unies ©DR

UN Monaco Confirms its Position on Combating Violence Against Women

09 October 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

H.E. Ms. Isabelle Picco, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, took part in the United Nations Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee, held in New York on6 October. During the debate on the advancement of women, she reiterated Monaco's commitment to eliminating of all forms of viol...

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