Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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visite HCR

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees visits Monaco

15 February 2017 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Mr Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, paid a working visit to Monaco on Wednesday 15 February 2017. He was accompanied byMr Ralf Gruenert, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative for Monaco and France.This was the first official visit by...

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Projection Solar Impulse - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Screening of the Film "Solar Impulse, the Impossible Round the World Mission"

14 February 2017 News flash

The screening of the film "Solar Impulse, the Impossible Round the World Mission" ("Solar Impulse, l'impossible tour du monde") on Monday 13 February by the PrinceAlbert II of Monaco Foundation and the Prince's Government attracted approximately 1,000 guests to the Rainier III Auditorium. At the...

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Voir la photo - © Charly Gallo - Direction de la Communication

Strong Gusts of Wind

13 February 2017 Press release

The attention of residents and users is drawn to the forecast by Météo-France for the daytime of Monday 13 February from 11 a.m. and during the night of 13 to 14 February until 3 a.m., with, in particular, gusts of wind that could exceed 70 km/h (43 mph) with a forecasted east wind.The Prince's Government therefore...

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Kimberly et Holler Zavatta - Kimberly et Holler Zavatta lors de leur performance de patins à roulettes. ©Direction de la Communication/Manuel Vitali

Expo Spécialisée – Astana EXPO 2017 - Les Festivals du Cirque de Monte-Carlo & New Generation mis à l'honneur

10 February 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

A l’occasion de la prochaine Exposition Spécialisée Astana EXPO 2017, la Société d’Etat Monaco Inter Expo, en charge du Pavillon Monaco, a collaboré avec Monte-Carlo Festivals, l'organisateur du Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo et New Generation, le Festival des jeunes artistes, pour les mettre à l’ho...

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Réunion ACCOBAMS - ©DR

Onzième Réunion du Comité Scientifique de l’ACCOBAMS

09 February 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Cette semaine, s’est tenue à l’hôtel Novotel à Monaco, la 11ième Réunion du Comité Scientifique de l’Accord pour la Conservation des Cétacés de la mer Noire, de la Méditerranée et de la Zone Atlantique Adjacente (ACCOBAMS).Afin de mettre en œuvre l’ambitieux programme de travail adopté par les représentants des pays...

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Visite 6e FFA - Copyright visuel : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

6th Forum on Sandwich Courses and 11th Meeting on Careers in Banking and Finance – Very Positive Results

09 February 2017 Youth Press release

The 6thForum on Sandwich Courses and the 11thMeeting on Careers in Banking and Finance took place at the Rainier III Auditorium yesterday. Following these meetings, in the late afternoon, the 4thApprenticeship Trophies were awarded.This event, which is increasingly successful, attracted more than 500 visitors throug...

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Conf  Monte Carlo Rolex Masters - ©Government Communication Department/Manuel Vitali

2017 Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters Presented to the Press

09 February 2017 Sport News flash

Today, Zeljko Franulovic, the Director of the Tournament, announced the major features of the forthcoming Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters, which will take place from 15 to 23 April 2017 on the legendary clay courts of the Monte-Carlo Country Club.The Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters is organised by the SMETT (Société Monégasque...

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Après-midis du zapping 2017 - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Raising Schoolchildren's Awareness of HIV/AIDS and its Prevention - Part 2

09 February 2017 Youth News flash

As part of the preventative health programme offered to schoolchildren by the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, pupils from the Principality are benefitting from a second information session on how to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS.On Thursday 9 and Friday 10 February, the pupils are taking part in &quo...

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Voir la photo - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Bicentenaire du Corps des Carabiniers : des fèves commémoratives

09 February 2017 Culture Press release

2017 marque une année importante pour le Corps des Carabiniers, celle du bicentenaire de sa création. A cette occasion, plusieurs manifestations ponctueront les mois à venir, notamment le concert du Bicentenaire, le vendredi 10 mars à l’Auditorium Rainier III.Un des temps fort de cette année vient de se dérouler au...

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Plan travaux galerie Ste Dévote - Le plan des des travaux de création de la galerie piétonne du Pont Sainte Dévote

Start of Work to Create a Pedestrian Walkway for the Sainte Dévote Bridge

08 February 2017 News flash

To improve traffic flow at the exit of the station by the Sainte Dévote Bridge (Pont sainte Dévote), the Government has initiated work to create a direct pedestrian link between the upper hall of the station and the downward pavement in the Boulevard Princesse Charlotte.Prior to carrying out the earthworks of the fu...

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