Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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"BAROQUE CHRISTMASES" Tuesday 6 and Friday 9 December 2016 – Visitation Chapel – 8.30 p.m.

09 December 2016 Culture Press release

Since 2011, the Principality's Department of Cultural Affairs has presented concerts of Baroque music every December in the Visitation Chapel. This year, the programmes are centred on a major event of the liturgical calendar – preparing to celebrate Christmas.Tuesday 6 December 2016, at 8.30 p.m:"Veni, Veni Emm...

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ONUSIDA 2016 - H.E. Ms. Carole Lanteri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco to the United Nations Office in Geneva ©DR

Monaco Takes Part in the 39th Session of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board

07 December 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

A Monegasque delegation, led by H.E. Ms. Carole Lanteri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations Office in Geneva, took part in the 39th session of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), held in Geneva from 6 to 8 December.The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) c...

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Port Vintimille - Le Port de Cala del Forte une fois les travaux achevés

Principality of Monaco acquires concession for Ventimiglia marina

07 December 2016 Monaco dans le Monde Press release

On 6 December 2016, the Cozzi Parodi group, led by Ms Béatrice Parodi, entered into an agreement with the Principality of Monaco, acting via the Société Monégasque Internationale Portuaire (SMIP), a subsidiary of the Monaco Port Authority (SEPM), on the sale of all shares of the company Cala del Forte, which holds t...

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GIEC - HD - 
S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco et M. Lee Hoesung, Président du GIEC© Charly Gallo / Direction de la Communication

Opening of the IPCC Scoping Meeting in Monaco

06 December 2016 The Environment Press release

The scoping meeting held by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on the Special Report on Climate Change and Oceans and the Cryosphere opened this morning. The meeting brings together 103 experts from 40 countries and will continue until 9 December 2016.H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Mr. Lee H...

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Journée du handicap - Copyright - Direction de la Communication

5th Monegasque Meeting on Disability "Mobility and Leisure – Let's Live Together"

05 December 2016 Social Affairs and Health Press release

As every year for the past five years, to mark the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, via the intermediary of the Disability and Social Inclusion Office of the Department of Social Welfare and Social Services, held the 5thMonegasque Meeting on Disability on Mo...

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