Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Amade Italie - De gauche à droite : M. Claudio Senzioni, Secrétaire Général de AMADE Italia onlus, M. Marco Martinoli, Responsable du CABEF Centre accueil enfant et famille auprès de l’Hôpital pédiatrique Giannina Gaslini de Gênes, Mme Thiphaine Grego, Coordinatrice des Projets AMADE Italia onlus, M. Franco Ardoino, du Club Ambassadeur Honoraire pour le Tourisme d’Affaire de Monaco en Italie, S.E. M. Robert Fillon, Ambassadeur de la Principauté de Monaco en Italie, M. Pietro Pongiglione, Président de l’Hôpital Pédiatrique Giannina Gaslini, Mme Mireille Fillon et le Prince Domenico Pallavicino, Président d’AMADE Italia onlus ©R

L’AMADE Italie soutient l'Institut Giannina Gaslini de Gênes

15 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Le 3 mars 2017, en présence de S.E. M. Robert Fillon, Ambassadeur de Monaco en Italie, la branche italienne de l’AMADE, fidèle à sa vocation d’aide à l’enfance, a tenu à apporter son soutien à l’Institut pédiatrique Giannina Gaslini de Gênes, par la remise d’un chèque de 6.000 € en faveur du Centre d’accueil "E...

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Comité de Suivi Environnemental - Copyright visuel : © Charly Gallo / Direction de la Communication 

Offshore Urban Extension - Environmental Monitoring Committee Lunch

14 March 2017 Quality of Life Press release

Today, the seven experts from the Environmental Monitoring Committee of the Offshore Extension Project spoke about their work at a lunch with H.E. Mr. Serge Telle, Minister of State, Ms.Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, Mr. Cyril Gomez, Director-General of that...

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Voir la photo - © Charly Gallo - Direction de la Communication

70th Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement and 30th Anniversary of the EUR-OPA Agreement

14 March 2017 Security Press release

On 14 and 15 March, the Principality of Monaco is hosting the 70th meeting of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, of which it has been a member since 1990.The EUR-OPA agreement is a platform for cooperation in areas of risks related to major natural and technological disasters (such as f...

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Monaco Kirghize - H.E. Ms. Sophie Thevenoux, Ambassador of Monaco to Belgium, and H.E. Mr. Asein Isaev, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Belgium ©DR

Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Kyrgyz Republic

13 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Principality of Monaco and the Kyrgyz Republic established diplomatic relations by signing a Joint Communiqué on 9 March 2017.This document was signed by H.E. Ms. Sophie Thevenoux, Ambassador of Monaco to Belgium, and H.E. Mr. Asein Isaev, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Belgium, both of whom were duly mand...

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Concert Bicentenaire

Concert to Celebrate the Bicentenary of the Palace Guards –Today's the Day!

10 March 2017 News flash

This evening, from 8 p.m., a concert to celebrate the bicentenary of the Palace Guards will take place at the Rainier III Auditorium.

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Visite Montenegro - S.E. M. Dusko Markovic, Premier Ministre du Monténégro et S.E. M. Serge Telle, Ministre d'Etat @Direction de la Communication/Charly Gallo

Visite à Monaco du Premier Ministre du Monténégro

09 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

S.E. M. Dusko Markovic, Premier Ministre du Monténégro, a effectué une visite de travail à Monaco le jeudi 9 mars 2017. Il était accompagné d'une importante délégation* qui participera à une rencontre économique.Le Premier Ministre a été reçu en Audience par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain, en présence de M. Georges Lisi...

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Voir la photo - © Government Communication Department/Manuel Vitali

Wednesday 8 March, International Women's Day

08 March 2017 News flash

To celebrate International Women's Day, H.E. the Minister of State paid tribute to the female staff of the Police Department and Department of Justice by inviting them to a reception held today, Wednesday 8 March, in his residence.In his speech, H.E. Mr. Serge Telle stated that "The Sovereign Prince knows, and...

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Logo FPP -  

PRINCE PIERRE OF MONACO FOUNDATION - Meetings and Debates From 20 March to 29 May 2017 – Pavillon Bosio

08 March 2017 Culture Press release

Contemporary Visions Art and Architecture

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DCI journée mondiale femme 2017

8 March, International Women’s Day: Monaco stands up for women throughout the world

07 March 2017 Monaco Worldwide Press release

The Department of International Cooperation supports numerous projects to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” which is United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5.

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Résidence ASM - Copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

A.S. Monaco Football Club is Received by the Minister of State

06 March 2017 Sport News flash

The players and management of A.S. Monaco Football Club were at the Residence of the Minister of State today on the occasion of a lunch held in connection with the partnership convention signed at the start of the season by the Prince's Government and the Principality's football club.

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