Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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A la Une du Portail

Accord NMNM UBS hd - ©Manuel Vitali – Direction de la Communication - Photo caption: Marie-Claude Beaud, NMNM Director, Agnès Falco, Executive Director of UBS Monaco, Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, and Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior ©Manuel Vitali – Government Communication Department

NMNM and UBS Monaco renew partnership

12 December 2017 Press release

On Monday 11 December, at the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (NMNM)’s Villa Paloma, Minister of the Interior Patrice Cellario, Minister of Finance and Economy Jean Castellini, NMNM Director Marie-Claude Beaud, and Executive Director of UBS Monaco Agnès Falco renewed their partnership, extending the collaboration w...

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OSCE 2017

Monaco takes part in 24th OSCE Ministerial Council

12 December 2017 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, took part in the 24th Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which was held in Vienna on 7 and 8 December 2017. He was accompanied by H.E. Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of...

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IMG_1005 - De gauche à droite : Le Professeur Bertrand Mathieu, M. Gianni Buquicchio et Maître Christophe Sosso ©DR

Monaco participates in Venice Commission (European Commission for Democracy through Law)

11 December 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Venice Commission is an advisory body on constitutional law, established within the framework of the Council of Europe. It has its headquarters in Venice and is made up of independent experts drawn from all member states as well as observer states from all continents.Following the appointment of Mr Laurent Ansel...

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Gala bicentenaire carabiniers

Palace Guards’ bicentennial celebrations draw to close with gala dinner

09 December 2017 News flash

a military review and church service for St. Sebastian on 20 January; a special concert featuring prestigious artists on 10 March; a Military Force regimental dinner on 12 June; an exhibition at the Prince’s Palace from 13 June to 15 October, entitled “Two Centuries of History (1817–2017)” an appearance by the P...

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

Stand dedicated to children’s rights at Christmas market

07 December 2017 Youth News flash

Activities to mark Universal Children’s Day 2017, celebrated on 24 November with a fantastic concert presented by Kids United at Grimaldi Forum, are continuing at the Principality’s Christmas market.At the initiative of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, a stand dedicated to children’s rights has been set...

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Drapeau UE - DR

EU lists: Monaco compliant with EU criteria

06 December 2017 The Economy Press release

On 5 December 2017, the Council of the European Union published lists of jurisdictions it deems non-cooperative on tax issues (the blacklist) and those which have committed to reform (the grey list).To draw up these lists, the Council’s code of conduct group assessed 92 jurisdictions on the basis of three criteria:...

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Conference Handicap - copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

6e Rencontre du Handicap - Présentation de la Convention relative aux Droits des Personnes Handicapées

05 December 2017 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Depuis maintenant six ans, la Principauté de Monaco s’associe à la commémoration de la Journée Internationale des personnes handicapées, proclamée par l’O.N.U., en 1992.À l’occasion de cette Journée, le Département des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé - par l’intermédiaire de la Division Inclusion Sociale et Handica...

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Communiqué aux futurs candidats à l'élection du Conseil National de février 2018

05 December 2017 Press release

Compte tenu de l’importance et de la complexité du rôle que sont appelés à jouer les mandataires financiers dans l’application de la Loi n° 1.389 du 2 juillet 2012, modifiée, il paraît utile de formuler, dès à présent, à l’intention des futurs candidats à la prochaine élection du Conseil National quelques recommanda...

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Sainte Barbe - ©Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

Celebration of Saint Barbara

05 December 2017 News flash

On Monday 4 December, Monsignor Barsi presided over the celebration of the traditional mass of Saint Barbara at Saint Nicolas Church. Saint Barbara is the “patron and protector” of firefighters. The celebration was attended by, among others, Colonel Luc Fringant, Supreme Commander of the Military Force, representing...

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Voir l'affiche

Great Art in the Fontvieille ring

05 December 2017 Culture Press release

42nd International Circus Festival of Monte-CarloFrom the 19th to the 29th January 2017Press Release n° 2

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