Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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OMS - 73e session du Comité régional pour l’Europe ©DR - ©DR

WHO - Monaco takes part in the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

26 October 2023 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The 73rd session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Europe was held from 24 to 26 October 2023 in Astana, Kazakhstan.Over the three days, delegations from the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region, as well as representatives of partner organisations and civil society, met to review t...

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COP antidopage ©DR - COP antidopage ©DR

The Principality represented at the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP9) to the International Convention against Doping in Sport

26 October 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

From 25 to 26 October 2023, the Principality of Monaco took part in the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties to the International Convention against Doping in Sport, convened at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Discussions focused on strengthening the impact of the Convention as an instrument of international...

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Capitale Mondiale du Sport 2025 - Monaco ville candidate © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication - Capitale Mondiale du Sport 2025 - Monaco ville candidate © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication

World Capital of Sport 2025 - Monaco's candidacy

24 October 2023 Sport Press release

The Principality of Monaco is officially applying for the title of World Capital of Sport 2025. Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, made the announcement on Saturday, 21 October, at a press conference held at the Hôtel Hermitage, following a visit by members of the ACES association, which represents the European...

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COVID-19: New vaccine available and launch of the vaccination campaign

22 October 2023 Press release

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs announced the launch of the fall COVID-19 vaccination campaign with the new monovalent Comirnaty Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine for adults and children 12 and over. Manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech, the vaccine is suitable for the currently circulating variant and only requires one...

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Vaccination Grippe

Seasonal flu: Launch of the vaccination campaign

21 October 2023 Press release

This fall, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has highlighted the importance of getting vaccinated against the seasonal flu.The vaccine is already available at chemists in the Principality with or without a prescription. People can get vaccinated directly on site or pick up the vaccine and contact their GP or...

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Foire attractions - ©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi

Communiqué du Gouvernement princier - Ouverture de la foire attractions de Monaco

20 October 2023 Press release

Avec la fin de l’épisode météorologique qu’a connu ces dernières heures la Principauté de Monaco et avec le retour du beau temps, le Gouvernement princier fait savoir que la foire attractions de Monaco peut ouvrir ses portes dès ce vendredi à 17h30.

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Ecoletopie - Une nouvelle expérience pédagogique  pour les enfants. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

“Schooltopia”, a new learning experience for children

20 October 2023 Youth News flash

The Nouveau Musée National de Monaco and the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, with support from the Albert II Foundation, have invited the studio smarin to present a new educational experience called “Schooltopia”.Developed by the studio in 2022 for the “Art of teaching and learning: a school for creators”...

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Le Rêve de Mercier (1) - Le Rêve de Mercier. ©DR

A Monegasque play in Brussels

20 October 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

The play Le rêve de Mercier, written by Monegasque playwright Alain Pastor and directed by Pascal Vitiello*, was performed in Brussels last Wednesday on 18 October 2023.Made possible by a partnership between the Embassy of Monaco in Brussels and the ‘Voyez-moi-ça’ theatre company, together with the essential support...

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Alerte météo - ©DR

Communiqué du Gouvernement princier - La Principauté de Monaco placée en vigilance rouge

19 October 2023 Press release

Les prévisions météorologiques pour la journée du vendredi 20 octobre 2023 placent la Principauté de Monaco en vigilance rouge (pluies, inondation).Au regard de cette situation, et par mesure de précaution, le Gouvernement princier fait savoir que tous les établissements scolaires et les crèches de la Principauté de...

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©DR - ©DR

What can be done about harassment and violence at work? The Prince’s Government publishes a legal and practical guide for prevention and action

19 October 2023 Social Affairs and Health Press release

The Prince’s Government has published a legal and practical Guide to address harassment and violence at work. This Guide has been put together by the Department of Employment and the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. It contains information relevant to various different roles (employer, adviser, employee or vic...

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