Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Coronavirus (Covid-19)"
09 November 2021 Press release

COVID-19: Twelve New Positive Cases and Two Recoveries on Tuesday 9 November

Twelve new positive cases of COVID-19 were identified on Tuesday 9th November.

This therefore brings the overall health figures for the Principality to 3,451 people affected by the Coronavirus since the beginning of the health crisis.

This evening, eight people are being treated at Princess Grace Hospital: seven people, two of whom are residents, are provided in-patient care. Another patient, who is non-resident, is in intensive care.

There are two further recoveries to be noted. The total number of people who have recovered is 3,372.

This Tuesday evening, 30 people are being monitored by the Home Patient Follow-up Centre, which provides medical support to patients with mild symptoms, who are invited to self-isolate at home.

In line with the practices adopted by the World Health Organization and neighbouring countries in this regard, these daily health assessment figures report only on resident persons affected by the Coronavirus.

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