Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Coronavirus (Covid-19)"
05 January 2022 News flash

COVID-19: An Assessment of the Screening Campaign Undertaken in the Principality

On the instructions of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, the Prince's Government carried out an unprecedented screening campaign in the Principality from 3 January.  The aim was to enable as many people as possible to perform self-tests after the end-of year-holidays, as the holiday period is conducive to social interaction.  People who test positive are thus quickly identified, so as to break the chains of infection as far as possible during the current upsurge in the epidemic.

To carry out this large-scale operation, 60,000 self-tests were ordered.  They were then made available to schools, for teachers and pupils, from Monday morning.  They were also distributed to all departments of the Monegasque Civil Service, and, since 8 a.m. yesterday morning, were offered free of charge to employers in the Principality for their employees, via a dedicated online service.

Thus, from Monday morning, all those involved in the school system, the civil service and the business world were able to be tested, on a voluntary basis.

Since this morning, self-tests have been available free of charge to employers in the Principality who wish to offer this screening to their employees.

At this stage, the first results of the operation indicate a real success.  Thus,

  • For schools

4,946 tests were carried out.  97 of these tests were positive for COVID-19, including 77 pupils and 20 school staff members.  Those who tested positive were then asked to confirm this initial result with a PCR test.

  • For the public administration

4,480 self-tests were delivered.  These included:  300 self-tests for the Prince's Palace, 3,135 self-tests for the Government authorities, 760 self-tests for Monaco City Hall and 160 self-tests for the Department of Justice.  The number of potentially positive cases is not known, as the principle of self-report applies to those who test positive.  All staff have been informed of the procedure to follow in the event of infection.

  • For employees

The online service enabling businesspeople wishing to order self-tests was activated yesterday at 8 a.m., following the example of the system put in place for masks in 2020.  Each employer can order one test per employee free of charge.  Currently, more than 300 companies have already received their orders, for more than 17,000 employees.

  • For Residents

The Prince's Government reminds you that residents of the Principality can also be tested free of charge at the National Screening Centre by requesting an appointment in advance and contacting 92 05 55 00.  However, due to the very high number of tests generated by this unprecedented screening campaign, and the high demand placed on analysis laboratories, priority is given to people with symptoms or those considered "contact cases."

In addition, individuals who wish to purchase self-tests can do so easily at pharmacies in Monaco.  The tests can also be purchased from supermarkets until 23 January 2022.

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