Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the Republic of Slovenia

Representation of the Republic of Slovenia in the Principality of Monaco

Embassy of Monaco in Slovenia

Ambassador: H.E. Mrs Anne EASTWOOD

Via Bertoloni, 36

00197 Rome

Phone: (+39) 06 808 33 61
Fax: (+39) 06 807 76 92

Email: ambasciata.in.italia@gouv.mc




Consulate of Monaco in Ljubljana

Honorary Consul: M. Franc BOBINAC

Kardeljeva ploščad 27 a

1000 Ljubljana

Phone: (+377) 80 09 31 32

Email: consulat.monaco@monaco.si


Embassy of Slovenia in Monaco 

Ambassador: Vacant

28, rue Bois le Vent
75016 Paris

Phone: (+33) 1 44 96 50 60/63

Fax: (+33) 1 45 24 67 05

Email: sloembassy.paris@gov.si

Website: www.pariz.veleposlanistvo.si


General Consulate of Slovenia in Monaco

Honorary Consul General: Mr Marc LECOURT

O. of Order of Saint-Charles

Knight of Slovenian Order of Merite

"Winter Palace"
4 boulevard des Moulins
BP 184
MC 98004 Monaco Cedex

Phone: (+377) 92 16 58 00
Fax: (+377) 92 16 57 86

Email: secretariat@groupesmir.com

