Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the Swiss Confederation

Representation of the Swiss Confederation in the Principality of Monaco

Embasy of Monaco in Switzerland

Ambassador: H.E. Ms Carole LANTERI

Knight of Order of Saint-Charles

Gryphenhübeliweg 7

CH 3006 Berne

Phone: (+41) 31 356 28 58
Fax: (+41) 31 356 28 55

Email: ambassade.en.suisse@diplomatie.gouv.mc

Consulates of Monaco in Switzerland


Honorary Consul: Mr Philip R. BAUMANN

Kaufhausgasse 5
4051 Bâle

Phone : +41 61 205 21 84

Email : consulat.monaco@vtxmail.ch




Honorary Consul General: Mr Eric de GRAFFENRIED

Knight of Order of Grimaldi

Taubenstrasse 8

B.P. 3152

3011 Berne

Phone: (+41) 31 560 66 06
Fax: (+41) 31 560 66 01

Email: eric.vongraffenried@vongraffenried.ch




Honorary Consul: M. Giacomo Carlo TALLERI 

Via Emilio Bossi 10

Casella postale 1949

CH-6901 Lugano

Phone : 0041 (0)91 923.52.09

Email : consulat.monaco@studiotalleri.ch




Honorary Consul: Ms Hélène FAGGIONATO KNIGHT

Knight of Order of Grimaldi

KNIGHT VINKE (Switzerland) AG

Waaggasse 5

8001 Zurich

Phone : (+41) 44 215 68 43 and (+41) 79 406 20 24

Email: consulatdemonaco.zuerich@bluewin.ch


Embassy of Switzerland in Monaco

Ambassador: Vacant

142, rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris

Phone: (+33) 1 49 55 67 02
Email : paris.secretariat@eda.admin.ch

Website: www.eda.admin.ch/paris


General Consulate of Switzerland in Monaco

General Consul: Mr. Christophe VAUTHEY

7, rue d'Arcole
13291 Marseille Cedex 6

Phone: (+33) 4 96 10 14 10
Fax: (+33) 4 91 57 01 03

Email: andreas.maager@eda.admin.ch



Consulate of Switzerland in Monaco

Honorary Consul: Vacant
