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A Focus on Higher Education Objective: Post-Baccalaureate Studies

07 December 2016 Youth Press release

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport is stepping up its activities to promote post-Baccalaureate guidance, the aim being to support high school students with their higher education plans.The Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre (CIEN) is a valuable partner, which supports educational advisory a...

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Voir la photo - ©Manu Vitali - Centre de Presse

Prévention et lutte contre le SIDA dans les établissements scolaires de la Principauté

01 December 2016 Youth Press release

En ce 1er décembre, Journée Mondiale de Lutte contre le SIDA, différentes manifestations sont organisées au sein des établissements scolaires de la Principauté dans le cadre du programme Info-Sida.Depuis 8 ans, un partenariat de grande qualité entre la Direction de l’Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports...

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JDE 2016 - Journée des Droits de l'Enfant 2016 ©Direction de la Communication/Charly Gallo 

Universal Children's Day - Tombola's winners

24 November 2016 Youth News flash

For the Universal Children's Day, many activities have been undertaken, since October, by pupils to raise money for Monegasque humanitarian associations working to defend Children's Rights.Please find attached the Tombola's winning number. Journée Droits...

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Journée droit enfant  - Les présidents des associations humanitaires monégasques rencontrent les classes de CM1©Direction de la Communication/Manuel Vitali

The Presidents of Monegasque Humanitarian Associations Meet Year 5 Classes

24 November 2016 Youth News flash

Each year, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, the Principality is involved in celebrating the anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989.For two days, pupils from Year 5 classes in Monaco meet with the P...

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Remise chèques droits de l'enfant - Remise de chèques aux associations partenaires de la Journée Internationale des Droits des Enfants ©Direction de la Communication/Charly Gallo

Presentation of Cheques to Partner Associations of Universal Children's Day

22 November 2016 Youth News flash

Following a lecture given by Ms. Renate Winter, International Judge and Vice-President of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, the donations collected during the months of October and November were presented to three associations that work to defend children's rights: "MISSION ENFANCE,&quo...

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