Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Social Affairs and Health"
10 April 2020 Press release

Publication of Ministerial Decree setting out health measures for construction sites

©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

The Prince’s Government has issued a Ministerial Decree, published in the Journal de Monaco, setting out a number of health safety measures for construction activities.

The decree provides a strict framework for construction firms, with core measures that must be implemented during this health crisis. The overriding priority is to safeguard the health of all those involved in construction.

The measures are similar to those developed a few days ago by the Organisation for Prevention of Occupational Hazards in the Private and Public Construction Industry (OPPBTP) in the Guide to Health Safety Recommendations for Continuity of Construction Activities during the COVID-19 Epidemic. They include strict adherence to barrier measures: maintaining a minimum distance of one metre, frequent hand-washing, wearing of masks, and regular disinfection of site offices, equipment and vehicles.

We have added some more restrictive measures compared with what is in place in our neighbouring country. These are: taking workers’ temperatures on entry to the construction site; prohibiting workers from leaving the site to eat or eating opposite each other in close proximity; banning significant travel except in cases of urgent need, subject to the approval of the Monegasque authorities; prohibiting the use of temporary workers; and making it mandatory for project owners to appoint a COVID-19 focal point who is able to halt work at the site,” emphasised Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.

Before any work can begin or resume, a report detailing all proposed health measures as well as plans and a list of staff must be submitted to the Department of Forward Studies, Urban Planning and Mobility. This will be reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

The report must be submitted by the project owner in agreement with the contracting companies.

The State will carry out regular checks to monitor compliance with these measures.

Full details of the health measures are available via the following links:



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