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News of theme "Social Affairs and Health"
27 November 2018 News flash

Annual Reception of the Economic and Social Council

The President, André Garino, at the rostrum, with his CES colleagues, after his speech © Manuel Vitali – Government Communication Department

On Monday 26 November, the President of the Economic and Social Council (CES), André Garino, brought together many dignitaries from the Principality, including H.E. the Minister of State, Serge Telle, Government Ministers and representatives from the economic and social world, for the CES's traditional annual reception.

In his speech, President Garino referred to the positive results of the past three years, during which 18 wishes and four reports had been drafted.  He emphasised the importance of the consultative role assigned to this Assembly, which is a privileged forum for dialogue and proposals, whose mission is to give an opinion on subjects related to the country's economic and social life.

He then expressed the desire that the Economic and Social Council would continue to be involved in discussions on all texts of a social and economic nature.

Finally, President André Garino also mentioned the forthcoming appointment of the new President of the CES and the renewal of its members.

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