Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Security"
05 December 2024 Press release

Prince’s Government taking action on cybercrime


The Action on Cybercrime public interest group (GIP ACYMA), represented by Director General Jérôme Notin, and the Monaco Cyber Security Agency (AMSN), represented by Director Frédéric Fautrier, signed a cybercrime cooperation programme on 14 November 2024. The programme, aimed at individuals and businesses, includes activities to prevent and raise awareness of cybercrime, as well as assistance for victims of cybercrime.

Drawing on its experience since the launch of its cybercrime platform, cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, in 2017, GIP ACYMA will provide AMSN with software developments and the ExpertCyber certification standard, which was created with the French Standards Association (AFNOR), so that it can be adapted in line with Monegasque law.

This assistance with technology and standards will enable the Principality to speed up development of a national scheme to help victims of cybercrime.

The scheme, which will be available free of charge to individuals, businesses and associations, is designed to:

–                    put victims of cybercrime in contact with listed local professionals in the Principality;

–                    raise awareness among those using digital technology of the challenges involved in protecting digital privacy;

–                    create a digital risk observatory in the Principality.

This unique scheme will be managed by a public-private partnership involving representatives from the Government, users, suppliers and solution and service providers.

Action on Cybercrime public interest group (GIP ACYMA):

Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr is the platform of the Action on Cybercrime public interest group (GIP ACYMA). Established in 2017, the remit of this national scheme is to raise awareness around digital risks, support victims of cybercrime and monitor the threat within France. Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr also offers a security service, Mon ExpertCyber, drawing on the expertise of certified professionals. Its 65 members from the public, private and charitable sectors contribute to its public interest remit targeting three audiences: individuals, businesses and local authorities. In 2023, Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr attracted 3.7 million unique visitors to its website, and 280,000 people sought assistance from the site. www.cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

Monaco Cyber Security Agency:

The Monaco Cyber Security Agency, established by Sovereign Ordinance on 23 December 2015, under the direct authority of the Minister of State, is the national government authority responsible for the digital security of information systems. It is a centre of expertise that responds to digital attacks. Its primary remit includes preventing, detecting and handling cyberattacks, by developing plans, procedures and, more broadly, any measures that support the security of information systems. amsn.gouv.mc

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