All the news about "Public Aid for Development and International Cooperation"
166 elements

Continuation of the Partnership between the Prince's Government and the Mérieux Foundation in West Africa
The Department of International Cooperation (DCI) has just reaffirmed its support for RESAOLAB (West African Network of Biological Analysis Laboratories), a capacity-building programme for seven West African countries, led by the Mérieux Foundation, with the aim of reducing the impact of infectious diseases on vulne...
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Monaco participates in 1st Regular Session of World Food Programme Executive Board
From 27 February to 1 March, the Principality of Monaco took part in the work of the 1st Session of the World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Board, which produced a report summarising four impact assessments for WFP nutrition programmes as part of humanitarian efforts in the Sahel.In her speech, Monaco’s Deputy Repr...
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Sickle Cell Network doctors meet in Principality again
Du 21 au 23 février, la Direction de la Coopération Internationale a réuni, à Monaco, les six médecins référents du "Réseau Drépanocytose" Afrique de l’Ouest-Madagascar pour finaliser un guide commun de prise en charge de la maladie.
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Partnership between the Prince's Government and Sciences Po Paris A Week to Raise Students' Awareness of Development Aid
From 22 to 26 January, for the fourth consecutive year, the Department of International Cooperation (DCI) organised a week of themed teaching for first-year students at the Middle East-Mediterranean Campus of Sciences Po in Menton, for the Winter School.
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Gilles Tonelli pays working visit to Burkina Faso
As part of the visit of friendship paid by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince Albert II to Burkina Faso, Giles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, co-chaired an interministerial meeting alongside his counterpart H.E. Mr Alpha Barry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad, in Ouagado...
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