Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Czech (Republic)

Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the Czech Republic

Representation of the Czech Republic in the Principality of Monaco 

Consulate of Monaco in Czech Republic

Honorary Consul: Mr Oldrich UTTENDORFSKY

Snimovni 7 / 174
Prague 1 - 118 00
Tcheque Republic

Phone: (+31) 653 163 495
Fax: (+420) 257 532 368

Email: oldrich@monacoprague.com

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Monaco

Ambassador: Vacant

15 avenue Charles Floquet
75007 Paris

Phone: (+33) 1 40 65 13 00

Email: paris@mzv.gov.cz

Website: www.mzv.cz/paris







General Consulate of  Czech Republic in Monaco

Honorary Consul General: Mr François BRYCH
Officer of Order of Saint Charles

Square Winston Churchill
15, avenue de Grande-Bretagne
MC 98000 Monaco

Phone: (+377) 93 50 46 60
Fax: (+377) 93 50 44 25

Email: consulat@brych.experts-comptables.mc
