Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the Republic of Austria

Representation of the Republic of Austria in the Principality of Monaco

Embassy of Monaco in Austria

Ambassador: H.E. Mr Lorenzo RAVANO

Knight of the Order of Saint-Charles 

Klingelhöferstraße 7 

D 10785 Berlin

Phone: (+49) 30 26 39 033
Fax: (+49) 30 26 39 03 44

Email: embassymonaco.berlin@diplomatie.gouv.mc

Consulate of Monaco in Austria


Honorary Consul: Mr Christian DORDA
O. of  Order of Grimladi

Vice-Consul: Mr Herbert HILD

Universitätsring 12,
1010 Vienne

Phone: (+43) 1 533 08 67
Fax: (+43) 1 533 47 97

Email: generalkonsulat.monaco@dorda.at

Embassy of Austria in Monaco

Ambassador: Vacant

6, rue Faber
75007 Paris

Phone: (+33) 1 40 63 30 63
Fax: (+33) 1 45 55 63 65

Email: paris-ob@bmeia.gv.at

Website: www.amb-autriche


General Consulate of Austria in Monaco

Honorary Consul General: Mr Peter KONIG

Honorary Vice-Consul : Mme Laila Katharina SCHLERETH

Monte-Carlo Palace
7, boulevard des Moulins
98000 MONACO

Phone: (+377) 93 30 23 00
Fax: (+377) 92 16 04 54

Email: consulat.autriche@monaco.mc
