Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Royalties and associated rights

Entry inro force
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Adopted on 9 September 1886, revised on 13 November 1908 at Berlin, on 20 March 1914 at Berne, revised on 2 June 1928 at Rome, revised on 26 June 1948 at Brussels, on 14 July 1967 at Stockholm, on 24 July 1971 at Paris
Instruments of ratification submitted on 5 August 1974
17 January 1975 SO no. 5501 of 9 January 1975
(JO of 17 January 1975)
Universal Copyright Convention and annexed protocols
Geneva, 6 September 1952 (UNESCO)
Instruments of ratification submitted on 16 June 1955
16 September 1955 SO no. 1191 of 12 September 1955
 (JO of 17 October 1955)
International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations
Roma, 26 October 1961 (ILO/UNESCO/WIPO)
Instruments of ratification submitted on 6 September 1985
6 December 1985 SO no. 8488 of 26 December 1985
 (JO of 03 January 1986)
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms
Geneva, 29 October 1971 (UNESCO/WIPO)
Instruments of ratification submitted on 21 August 1974
2 December 1974 SO no. 5502 of 9 January 1975
 (JO du 17 January 1975)