Pupils meet authors as part of High School Students’ Favourite Choice Award 2018
The jury for the High School Students’ Favourite Choice Award, made up of Year 11 (seconde) pupils from Lycée Albert I, Monaco’s Vocational and Catering School and Lycée FANB, recently enjoyed a highlight of the journey that will lead them to reward one of the shortlisted books at the Prince Pierre Foundation Award Ceremony on 4 October in the Salle Garnier.
The pupils, all passionate about literature, had the opportunity to meet the five authors shortlisted for the prize this year: Jean-Baptiste Andréa (Ma reine [My Queen], Editions de l’Iconoclaste), Emmanuelle Favier (Le courage qu’il faut aux rivières [The Courage Needed for Rivers], Editions Albin Michel), Pascale Lecosse (Mademoiselle, à la folie ! [Mademoiselle, Crazily!], Editions de la Martinière), Olivier Rogez (L’ivresse du sergent Dida [The Drunkenness of Sergeant Dida], Editions Le Passage) and Charlotte Pons (Parmi les miens [Among My Own], Editions Flammarion). The authors took the time to meet their young readers, present their books and talk about being a writer.
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