Philosophical Encounters of Monaco present PhiloMonaco - Week 7 to 12 June 2022
From Tuesday 7 to Sunday 12 June 2022, the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco will be holding PhiloMonaco Week, featuring numerous speakers including philosophers, researchers, journalists, psychiatrists and psychologists, writers, teachers, healthcare workers, and more, who will debate and discuss with audiences the themes of Ecology, Education, Care, Women and the Joy of Philosophising.
Lectures, dialogues, round tables, classes and workshops will be held in a variety of locations around the Principality, notably at the Théâtre Princesse Grace which will, for these few days, be turned into a “House of Philosophy”.
To create the closest possible connection with the public, the Philosophical Encounters will be at La Condamine Market between 9 am and 10.30 am from Tuesday to Friday. Following an interview lasting several minutes between the day’s guests and a Monaco Info journalist, the audience will be able to ask questions and engage in a free debate.
PhiloMonaco Week will feature a number of highlights: philosophical workshops in school classrooms, an evening prize ceremony to present the Philosophical Encounters Prize, Honourable Mention and Lycée Student Award, lectures and conversations at the Crystal Bar and Pavyllon Monte-Carlo restaurant in the Hotel Hermitage, at the Café de la Rotonde in the Casino Atrium, at the Thermes Marins de Monte-Carlo, at the Salle Garnier, and in the Mediterranean Garden of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort.
It is also worth noting that at the Théâtre Princesse Grace, the Librairie Masséna bookshop will have a presence in the lobby and there will be a restaurant space, Les Grandes Carrioles (a culinary and artistic project), on the esplanade, along with the PhiloBox for everyone’s questions and thoughts.
For information:
The programme is available below.
Les Grandes Carrioles, a culinary and artistic project: restaurant open to all.
Théâtre Princesse Grace esplanade
From Tuesday 7 to Friday 10 June, from 10 am.
Librairie Massena: book sales and signings
Théâtre Princesse Grace lobby
From Tuesday 7 to Friday 10 June, 11 am to 7 pm.
PhiloBox of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
On the Théâtre Princesse Grace esplanade for questions and thoughts from the public. This will take the form of a telephone box, where it will be possible to browse the website and leave message for the philosophers.
The PhiloBox will be installed in the association’s new premises following the end of PhiloMonaco Week.
Tuesday 7 June: Ecology
At La Condamine Market, Place d’Armes
9 am–10.30 am
Interviews with Monaco Info and questions from the public
At Théâtre Princesse Grace
11 am–12 pm
Class: The birth and development of political ecology
Serge Audier, philosopher
1 pm–2.30 pm
Conversation: What might we be guilty of? The politics of guilt
Presented by Raphael Zagury-Orly, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Catherine Larrère, philosopher
Camille de Toledo, writer, jurist and doctor of comparative literature
3.30 pm–4.30 pm
Class: Arne Næss and deep ecology
Mathilde Ramadier, author
7 pm–9 pm
Round table: Trees. More human than humans?
Presented by Arnaud Gonzague, journalist for L’Obs
Jacques Tassin, ecologist and researcher
Emanuele Coccia, philosopher
Wednesday 8 June: Education
At La Condamine Market, Place d’Armes
9 am–10.30 am
Interviews with Monaco Info and questions from the public
At Théâtre Princesse Grace
11 am–12 pm
Conversation: The child’s drawing
Presented by Damien MacDonald, author, artist and exhibition curator
Colline Faure-Poirée, editor for Éditions Gallimard
Roseline Davido, doctor of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis
12.30 pm–2 pm
Conversation: What “makes a family”?
Presented by Robert Maggiori, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Sébastien Talon, psychologist and psychotherapist
Gabrielle Radica, philosopher
2.30 pm–4 pm
Round table: What can philosophy do in schools?
Presented by Alicia Gauduel, philosopher
Sébastien Charbonnier, lecturer and researcher in philosophy and education sciences
Edwige Chirouter, philosopher
Frédéric Lenoir, philosopher and sociologist, co-founder of the Sève Foundation
7 pm–9 pm
Round table: Screens, social media and child welfare
Presented by Robert Maggiori, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Dr Florence Ashkenazy, psychiatrist and professor of psychiatry
Laurence Joseph, psychologist and psychoanalyst
Elsa Godart, philosopher, psychoanalyst and essayist
Thursday 9 June: Care
At La Condamine Market, Place d’Armes
9 am–10.30 am
Interviews with Monaco Info and questions from the public
At Théâtre Princesse Grace
11 am–12 pm
Class: The normal and the pathological
Amos Squverer, psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist
12.30 pm–2 pm
Round table: The philosophy of birth. What we mean by “bringing into the world”.
Presented by Isabelle Alfandary, philosopher and psychoanalyst, professor of American literature
Frédéric Spinhirny, philosopher and hospital director
Chantal Birman, clinical midwife
Dr Bruno Carbonne, Head of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service at Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco
3 pm–4.30 pm
Round table: Care and compassion. Caring with humanity
Presented by Robert Maggiori, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Cynthia Fleury, philosopher and psychoanalyst
Zona Zarić, philosopher
Dr Jean-François Ciais, Head of the Supportive and Palliative Care Service at Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco
8 pm–9.15 pm
Evening prize ceremony to present the Prize and Honourable Mention
- Tribute to Jean-Luc Nancy by Divya Dwivedi, philosopher and professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
- What is philosophy? Lecture by Serge Audier, philosopher and author of La cité écologique. Pour un éco-républicanisme [The Ecological City. Advocating for Eco-Republicanism], published by La Découverte in 2020 and winner of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco 2021 Prize
- Musical interlude featuring Karol Beffa, a doctor of musicology, pianist and composer
- Award of the Prize and Honourable Mention in the presence of the founding members and members of the Jury
Friday 10 June: Women
At La Condamine Market, Place d’Armes
9 am–10.30 am
Interviews with Monaco Info and questions from the public
At Théâtre Princesse Grace
11 am–12 pm
Class: Equality
Sandra Laugier, philosopher
12.30 pm–1.30 pm
Conversation: Feminism. Is there a place for men?
Lauren Bastide, journalist and founder of the podcast La Poudre
Ivan Jablonka, professor of history and author
2.30 pm–4 pm
Conversation: Sex and gender – the moderns
Presented by Raphael Zagury-Orly, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Sandra Laugier, philosopher
Éric Marty, writer, essayist and professor of French literature
5 pm–6.30 pm
Round table: The truth about women’s bodies
Presented by Fanny Arama, doctor of French literature
Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, philosopher and professor of political science
Kaori Ito, dancer and choreographer
FRIDAY EVENING 11 JUNE – beginning of The Joy of Philosophising
8.30 pm–9.30 pm
Crystal Bar, Hotel Hermitage Monte-Carlo
Lectures: The intoxication of thought
Presented by Géraldine Muhlmann, philosopher, political scientist and journalist
Camille Riquier, philosopher
Michael Foëssel, philosopher
Saturday 11 June – The Joy of Philosophising
11 am–12.30 pm
Café de la Rotonde, Casino de Monte-Carlo Atrium
Conversation: The risk
Presented by Thierry Consigny, advertising executive, author and lecturer at Sciences Po
Etienne Bimbenet, philosopher
Patrick Savidan, philosopher
3.30 pm–4.30 pm
Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo
Conversation: Feeling good in your own skin
Presented by Géraldine Muhlmann, philosopher, political scientist and journalist
Maxime Rovere, philosopher and historian of philosophy
7 pm–8.30 pm
Monte-Carlo Opera
Lecture and conversation: The Nietzsche Mystery
Presented by Robert Maggiori, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Lecture by Fabrice Luchini, actor
Followed by a conversation with Éric Fiat, philosopher
Sunday 12 June The Joy of Philosophising
11 am–12 pm
Mediterranean Garden, Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort
Conversation: Philosophising by the sea
Presented by Robert Maggiori, philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Pierre Cassou-Noguès, philosopher
2.30 pm–3.30 pm
Pavyllon Monte-Carlo, a restaurant by Yannick Alléno at the Hotel Hermitage de Monte-Carlo
Conversation: Philosophy of taste
Yannick Alléno, Michelin-starred chef
Olivier Assouly, philosopher
Prince’s Government
Government Communication Department
Department of Cultural Affairs of Monaco
Department of Education, Youth and Sport
Women’s Rights Committee
Monaco City Hall
Théâtre Princesse Grace
Société des Bains de Mer de Monte-Carlo
Princess Grace Hospital
Research Chair in Philosophy at the Hospital
Prince Albert II Foundation
Lenval Foundation
Jeune J’écoute
Monaco Info
Madame Figaro
Philosophie Magazine (for the Lycée Student Award)
Autres actualités du thème

AGORA, la place du musée [the museum as a meeting place] – LAB#3: the new exhibition at Villa Sauber