Philosophical Encounters of Monaco and NMNM - Round table - “Trans-Mediterranean avant-gardes and citizens of the world” - Thursday 10 March, 6.30 p.m. – NMNM Villa Sauber
To coincide with the exhibition “Monaco–Alexandria: The Great Detour. World Capitals and Cosmopolitan Surrealism”, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco and the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco are joining forces to host a round table covering both historical and philosophical issues. The discussion will focus on intellectuals and artists with links to, among others, Egypt, whether French-speaking, Arab-speaking or cosmopolitan... These are figures often linked to the circles of surrealism, literature and Third-Worldism or even anarchism, and to the interwar anti-fascist movements (Antoine Malliarakis aka Mayo, Georges Henein, Valentine de Saint-Point, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Bona de Mandiargues, Joyce Mansour, Edmond Jabès, etc,). The participants in this round table (a historian, an artist, the exhibition’s curator and a philosopher) are all committed to promoting communities of minds from the Mediterranean “continent”, who are sometimes unfairly forgotten or “not republished”.
The publication and public and educational programme associated with the “Monaco–Alexandria: The Great Detour” exhibition have been produced with the involvement of Community Jameel and with support from The Alexis and Anne-Marie Habib Foundation .
5 p.m. – Tour of “Monaco–Alexandria: The Great Detour. World Capitals and Cosmopolitan Surrealism” exhibition, by Morad MONTAZAMI, exhibition curator
6.30 p.m. – Round table: “Trans-Mediterranean avant-gardes and citizens of the world”, presented by Morad Montazami , publisher and exhibition curator, with:
*Nabil Boutros , artist, designer, photographer and translator
*Francesca Rondinelli , historian
*Raphael Zagury-Orly , philosopher and founding member of the Philosophical Encounters of Monaco
Admission is free but places are limited, registration required.
To register for the exhibition tour at 5 p.m. and the round table at 6.30 p.m., contact
To register for the round table only, contact
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