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Expo Poi Poi - © - Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

"Poïpoï", A Private Collection at Villa Sauber, NMNM

24 February 2017 News flash

Until the 30th april 2017

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Voir la photo - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Bicentenaire du Corps des Carabiniers : des fèves commémoratives

09 February 2017 Culture Press release

2017 marque une année importante pour le Corps des Carabiniers, celle du bicentenaire de sa création. A cette occasion, plusieurs manifestations ponctueront les mois à venir, notamment le concert du Bicentenaire, le vendredi 10 mars à l’Auditorium Rainier III.Un des temps fort de cette année vient de se dérouler au...

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DTC PDA munich - From left to right: Corinne Kiabski, Director of Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority's Press Service;  Guillaume Rose, Director of Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority;  Julia Stübenbock, Press Officer at the DTC's office in Germany;  Sophie Verdure, Printemps Des Arts;  John Gary, Marketing Bureau of the DTC in Germany and Justyna Weber, Munich Global Communications.

Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority Takes Part in a Campaign in Germany to Promote the Monaco Spring Arts Festival ("Printemps des Arts")

07 February 2017 Press release

The forthcoming Monaco Spring Arts Festival ("Printemps des Arts"), which will take place from 17March to 8 April 2017 under the Presidency of H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover, was presented at the Munich Press Club on 1 February 2017.Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority (DTC), represented by its Director...

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Affiche NG6 2017

PALMARES 6e NEW GENERATION – 4 et 5 février 2017

05 February 2017 Culture Press release

La sixième édition du Festival pour jeunes artistes "New Generation" vient de prendre fin et le jury, présidé par Pauline Ducruet (fille de S.A.S. la Princesse Stéphanie), a proclamé le Palmarès.JUNIOR D'ORTroupe de barre russe de ShanghaiJUNIOR D'ARGENT3 Funky Monkeys3 J JugglingFunambules du Studio Arena...

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Ecole Fontvieille cirque - Copyright visuel : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

Circus Arts Meeting at the École de Fontvieille

03 February 2017 Youth Press release

Ms. Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, had the honour this morning of welcoming the daughter of H.S.H. Princesse Stéphanie, Miss Camille Gottlieb, and Mrs. Guilaine Telle, wife of H.E. the Minister of State, on the occasion of a visit to an exhibition held at the École de Fontvieille school on...

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