Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Coronavirus (Covid-19)"
03 December 2021 Press release

COVID-19: measures strengthened and health pass expanded to certain categories of staff

Over the last few weeks, the COVID-19 virus has once again been circulating at a high rate and the number of infections is increasing. In this context, the Prince’s Government has held a number of consultations with partners to consider arrangements for extending the use of the health pass in a bid to strengthen the scheme. In line with the commitments made by the Minister of State, the Government spoke to employers’ representatives from major sectors of the economy (the Federation of Monegasque Businesses (FEDEM), the Monegasque Chamber of Builders, the Monaco Association for Financial Activities (AMAF), the Monegasque Hospitality Industry Association (AIHM), the Monaco Union of Traders and Artisans (UCAM), the cultural sector, Société des Bains de Mer and Grimaldi Forum), and to employee unions (USM and F2SM) and gaming unions.

Following these consultations, and in addition to the measures announced on 29 November, the Government has decided to extend use of the health pass in the Principality from 15 December 2021 until 31 January 2022 inclusive.

The aim is to curb the spread of the virus to avoid closing facilities such as restaurants, bars, performance venues and convention halls. The health pass is a tool which has proved effective in protecting people and maintaining the economic activity that is essential to all of us, particularly during this end-of-year festive period.

The new measures concern, first, staff in businesses open to the public where customers are required to show a pass and, second, the validity period for PCR and antigen tests.

Staff in businesses open to the public where customers are required to show a health pass

Specifically, staff working in restaurants, bars, hotels and casinos will be required to show a health pass. The measure also covers anyone working in a facility or at an event where visitors, spectators, customers or participants are required to show a health pass, and encompasses technical and administrative staff working on site, with the exception of those involved in making deliveries or responding to emergencies.

The health pass will need to show proof of full vaccination or of a negative PCR or antigen test or of a certificate of recovery from COVID more than 11 days ago and less than 6 months since the last positive test.

On this basis, and following constructive discussions during the various consultation meetings, the Government has decided to extend the validity period of PCR or antigen tests for the staff concerned from 24 to 72 hours. This flexibility makes it possible to respond to the needs of businesses while safeguarding everyone’s health.

Validity period for PCR and antigen tests

For non-employees, for example hotel or restaurant customers, or spectators at major sporting or cultural events, the validity period for PCR or antigen tests has now been reduced to 24 hours in light of the epidemic’s resurgence.


Please note that these measures are being introduced at the same time that the validity of the health pass outside Monaco will very soon be subject to having had a booster dose.

The Prince’s Government continues to stress that vaccination is vital to limiting the spread of the virus. Vaccines considerably reduce the risks of infection and cut the risk of developing serious forms of the disease. Those wishing to be vaccinated can make an appointment by telephoning +377 92 05 55 00 or visiting the webpage https://vaccination-covid19.gouv.mc



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