Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Businesses"
02 March 2020 Press release

Digital Principality Act - Empowering businesses and individuals to leverage digital technology

Le 2 décembre 2019, la loi Principauté numérique a été votée par le Conseil National pour notamment garantir une valeur probante équivalente entre un document numérique et un document papier.

Le Gouvernement Princier aménage ainsi un cadre légal au sein duquel les entreprises de la Principauté pourront développer et créer de nouveaux services sur la base de cette valeur probante dorénavant conférée aux documents numériques. Par cette loi, la Principauté entend créer un cadre stimulant pour son économie et ainsi attirer de nouvelles entreprises.

C’est sur ce thème qu’un déjeuner de presse a été organisé ce jour autour de Frédéric Genta, Délégué interministériel en charge de Transition numérique, et de Julien Dejanovic, Directeur de l’Administration numérique.

©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

On December 2, 2019, the National Council passed the Digital Principality Act, the provisions of which include giving digital documents and paper documents equal probative value.

With this legislation, the Prince’s Government is establishing a legal framework that will enable businesses in the Principality to develop and introduce new services based on the probative value that will now be conferred on digital documents. In this way, the Principality is seeking to create conditions that will stimulate its economy and attract new businesses. 

All of this was the theme for a press lunch held today with Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Digital Officer, and Julien Dejanovic, Director of E-Government.

Driven by the Extended Monaco programme and in partnership with local stakeholders, the Principality is equipping itself with the means that will enable it to make use of digital solutions at the cutting edge of innovation. Including provisions on the cloud and digital identity, this act provides a foundation for the Monegasque model in a digital world.

Monegasque businesses will be able to switch to electronic pay slips, electronically archive their documents without the need to retain a paper copy, send a registered letter electronically, ensure that acknowledgements of receipt sent electronically are recognised as valid or even electronically conclude a contract that has the same legal standing as one concluded via a paper-based process.

Thanks to this legislative foundation, the Monegasque state is aligning with the European eIDAS standards to facilitate digital exchanges. The Prince’s Government established the aspects relating to electronic pay slips back in December, and during 2020 will work to establish the additional aspects of this legislation through further implementing sovereign ordinances (by March/April), as well as Monegasque certificates for electronic signatures and stamps via the Monaco Cyber Security Agency, in order to realise the potential of the legislation.

From today, businesses can begin their own internal work to introduce procedures for, among other things, switching to electronic pay slips. Such a switch could save around 3.4 tonnes of paper per year.

In addition to reflecting the Prince’s Government’s environmental commitments, this initiative will also help to save critical space in the Principality, where every square metre is priceless. The potential saving is estimated to amount to a quarter of the habitable surface area of the offshore urban extension project, or more than 15,000 square metres, including 6,000 in the financial sector alone, according to the Monaco Association for Financial Activities.

The relationship between private individuals and entities and the State will move towards a more digital approach, and to achieve this the Prince’s Government must set an example:

  • By late 2020/early 2021, the Government’s internal communications will become paperless;
  • By late 2020/early 2021, electronic pay slips will be introduced;
  • By establishing digital identity and offering many new online services, the Monegasque Government is ready to tackle the challenges of the digital world.



Habits have changed: 95% of people in Monaco use the Internet (the sixth highest proportion in the world) (Source: UN).

In the case of some administrative procedures, 77% of applications have been made online since the launch of online services in late 2019 (Source: Prince’s Government)

The digital economy in Monaco currently accounts for 5% of GDP (Source: Monaco Statistics).

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