Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Dépôt OCDE - From left to right: Ms Josée Fecteau, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, OECD; H.E Mr Serge Telle, Minister of State; Mr Nicola Bonucci, Director of Legal Affairs, OECD; Mr Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy

Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters instrument of ratification deposited with OECD

14 December 2016 Press release

The Minister of State, accompanied by the Minister of Finance and Economy, today deposited with the Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Mr Angel Gurría the instrument of ratification for the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, signed by H.S...

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Obs Industrie - M.Castellini during his speech . ©Manuel Vitali – Government Communication Department

Industry Observatory – An Overview After its First Year of Existence

30 November 2016 News News flash

The seventh meeting of the Industry Observatory took place yesterday in the auditorium of Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier), a year after the Observatory was first created.This anniversary meeting was chaired by Mr. Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, in the presence...

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21ème Concours de Création d’Entreprise - Le Jury, composé de représentants des secteurs privé et public, a choisi cette année de soutenir le projet de création d’entreprise intitulé « THOODY », porté par le jeune monégasque Alexis LANARI et son futur associé, tous deux étudiants à l’École Centrale de Lille. Les voici lors de la remise de chèque.

21st Business Creation Competition: 2016 winner

16 November 2016 News Press release

As the Monaco Business trade fair drew to a close on Tuesday 15 November 2016, Mr Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, presented the Prince’s Government Prize to the winner of the 21st Business Creation Competition, organised by the Junior Chamber International Monaco.This year, the jury made up of repr...

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PIB 2015 - Retrouvez le Rapport Annuel 2015 sur www.imsee.mc

IMSEE publishes Annual GDP Report for 2015

10 November 2016 News News flash

Calculated since 2005 by the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE), the Principality’s gross domestic product (GDP) is the subject of an annual report which presents detailed results. The annual economic growth rate as well as GDP per employee and GDP per capita are also presented, and the...

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L'affiche de l'opération. - L’ensemble des informations ainsi recueillies figurera sur le site internet dédié à cette opération et mis en ligne à l’adresse : www.monacosundayexperience.com

Été 2016 : Le Gouvernement accompagne les commerces ouverts le dimanche

04 July 2016 News Press release

En 2006, le Gouvernement Princier mettait en place un dispositif d’ouverture des commerces le dimanche. Le pays devenait ainsi plus attractif le weekend aux yeux des différentes clientèles de l’été. Le but: proposer une offre combinée de shopping, bien-être, gastronomie et culture. Le Gouvernement reconduit l’opérat...

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