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Smithsonian Insitituion - Photo caption: From left to right: Mr John McCarter, Chair of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution; H.E. Ms Maguy Maccario Doyle, Ambassador of Monaco to the United States and Dr David J. Skorton, new Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution © Embassy of Monaco to the United States 

Embassy of Monaco to the United States Reception in honour of new Secretary of Smithsonian Institution

04 April 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 29 March in Washington, D.C., Monaco’s Embassy organised a reception in honour of the new Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution,* Dr David J. Skorton.** The reception, held at the Ambassador’s Residence, provided an opportunity to present the leader of the world’s largest museum and research centre complex to...

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telethon Merci - Copyright - DR

Telethon 2015: a success Monaco applies to be candidate city for Telethon 2016

01 April 2016 Social Affairs and Health Press release

During the Telethon Merci ceremony organised on Wednesday 30 March by members of the Office of the Association for the Promotion and Organisation of the Monaco Telethon (OTM), Minister of Health and Social Affairs Stéphane Valeri officially announced Monaco’s candidacy as an ambassador city for the thirtieth Teletho...

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Coopération italienne

Partnership with Italy's Official Development Assistance

31 March 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Following the Agreement signed on 31 March 2015 between the Prince's Government and the Government of the Italian Republic in the field of development cooperation, the Department of International Cooperation travelled to Rome on 23 and 24 March 2016 for an update on this partnership and on co-financed projects.A del...

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UNCHR 2016 - Ms Marie-Noëlle Albertini, Diplomatic Counsellor, and H.E. Ms Lanteri, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Monaco to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva © DR

Monaco attends meeting of UN Refugee Agency

30 March 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Faced with the unprecedented migration crisis caused by the conflict in Syria, the UN Secretary General, who called for the meeting, expressed his hope that all legal solutions would be considered in order to improve the reception and settlement of Syrian refugees.In his introductory remarks, Mr Ban Ki-moon recalled...

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Creation of a Concrete Base for the Engelin Project

30 March 2016 Quality of Life Press release

As part of the start of structural work by the State on the Engelin project, the base of the building is about to be created.

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