Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Exposition 'Sauvez les éléphants d'Afrique' Crédit photo  © Axel Bastello -  Palais Princier - © Axel Bastello -  Palais Princier

"Save the African Elephants" - An Exhibition by the Department of the Environment

02 May 2017 The Environment News flash

The Department of the Environment is organising the photographic exhibition "Save the African Elephants," in partnership with the SEA Associations and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. The aim is to raise the awareness of as many people as possible of this cause. The elephant is in danger of extinction;...

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Ambassadeur et Président - H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï, Ambassador of Monaco to Germany and Mr Benoît Battistelli, President of the European Patent Office© DR

Working agreement between Monaco and European Patent Office

02 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Tuesday 25 April 2017, in Munich, H.E. Ms Berro-Amadeï, Monaco’s Ambassador to Germany, handed over to President of the European Patent Office (EPO) Mr Benoît Battistelli the ratification instruments for the Working Agreement between the European Patent Office and the Principality of Monaco Concerning Cooperation...

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Barquettes de St Jean

Velella Velella in the Bay of Monaco

02 May 2017 The Environment News flash

Since last week, a large number of Velella Velella, commonly known as "By-the-wind-sailors," have appeared in the offshore waters and the waters in the ports of the Principality. These small jellyfish resemble a boat of a few centimetres in length, with a triangular "sail."This morning, compact b...

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Voir la photo - ©Charly Gallo - Direction de la Communication

The Roca Team is Defeated in the Semi-Final of the Europe Cup

28 April 2017 Sport News flash

Dans le cadre des demi-finales du Final Four de la Basketball Champions League, qui se déroule durant tout le week-end à Tenerife en Espagne, les Monégasques affrontaient les Turcs du Bandirma Banvit.

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Vaccination - Copyright - DR

European Immunisation Week - 24 to 30 April 2017 The Importance of Vaccination

28 April 2017 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Vaccination, population-wide, is a risk reduction strategy.Not only does it reduce the possibility of contracting a disease, but it also reduces the risk of complications and mortality.

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