Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Zone de sécurité maritime

Offshore Urban Extension Project: A Maritime Safety Area in Front of the Portier Cove

03 February 2017 Quality of Life Press release

In connection with the first work on the Offshore Urban Extension Project in the Portier Cove, which is due to commence in the coming weeks, a Sovereign Ordinance has been published in the Journal de Monaco of Friday 3 February to establish a "working area in which access to the public is forbidden." This...

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Travaux réseaux av. Spélugues - © DAU

Work on Services Networks in the Avenue des Spélugues

03 February 2017 Quality of Life Press release

The Department of Urban Amenities is to undertake work on the sewerage network at the "Avenue de la Madone/Avenue des Spélugues" intersection from Monday 6 February 2017 for a duration of seven weeks.Due to the size of the trench that has to be excavated, a permanent alternating traffic flow system will be...

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Implementation of a National Telephone Numbering Plan

03 February 2017 Press release

The Prince's Government has decided to formalise the telephone numbering plan, based on the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union, of which the Principality is a member.This constitutes an important regulatory aspect, which is provided for in the public service concession for electronic commun...

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Ecole Fontvieille cirque - Copyright visuel : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

Circus Arts Meeting at the École de Fontvieille

03 February 2017 Youth Press release

Ms. Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, had the honour this morning of welcoming the daughter of H.S.H. Princesse Stéphanie, Miss Camille Gottlieb, and Mrs. Guilaine Telle, wife of H.E. the Minister of State, on the occasion of a visit to an exhibition held at the École de Fontvieille school on...

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Jeun'Elec - Copyright visuel : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

Essais de véhicules électriques dans le cadre de Jeun'Elec

02 February 2017 Youth Press release

Dans le cadre de la 18eédition du programme Jeun'Elec, le Club des Véhicules Électriques de Monaco, en étroite collaboration avec la Direction de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports et la Direction de l'Environnement, a proposé aux élèves des classes de 4èmeet aux lycéens de 2ndeindustrielle du Lycée...

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