Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Press release

28 February 2018 Press release

The Minister of State has taken note of the open letter addressed to him by Mr Dupond-Moretti.He will take the time to respond to the various peremptory allegations which have been made and to answer the questions asked.Nonetheless, he is very surprised to see that SATRI, which has not hesitated to comment in the pr...

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Affiche Eléments - © DR

"Elements" Multisensory show to celebrate H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s 60th birthday

26 February 2018 Press release

Wednesday 14 March, 8.30 pm and 9.45 pm

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Coopération en matière de transfusion sanguine - Copyright - DR

Cooperation on blood transfusion

23 February 2018 Social Affairs and Health Press release

On Friday 23 February a working meeting led by the Minister of Health and Social Affairs Didier Gamerdinger was held at the Ministry of State as part of efforts to develop a blood transfusion cooperation agreement between Princess Grace Hospital and the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS) PACA-CORSE (the regional b...

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Réunion Médecins Réseau Drépanocytose - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Sickle Cell Network doctors meet in Principality again

23 February 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Du 21 au 23 février, la Direction de la Coopération Internationale a réuni, à Monaco, les six médecins référents du "Réseau Drépanocytose" Afrique de l’Ouest-Madagascar pour finaliser un guide commun de prise en charge de la maladie.

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Voir la photo - © - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

Presentation of positive testimonials and letters of congratulation Condamine Emergency Response Centre

23 February 2018 Security News flash

On Thursday 22 February 2018, an official presentation of positive testimonials from H.S.H. Prince Albert II, H.E. Mr Serge Telle, the Minister of State, and Colonel Luc Fringant, Supreme Commander of the Military Force, and letters of congratulation from Colonel Tony Varo, Chief Officer of the Monaco Fire and Emerg...

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