Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Info Covid 19

CORONAVIRUS: five new positive cases identified in Monaco

22 March 2020 Press release

The health authorities in the Principality were informed on Sunday 22 March that following analysis, five samples had tested positive for COVID-19.This brings the number of people infected by coronavirus in the Principality to 23, one of whom has now recovered.The Prince’s Government would like to reiterate the need...

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Info Covid 19

CORONAVIRUS: restrictions on movement at night in Principality of Monaco from Sunday evening

22 March 2020 Security Press release

At the instruction of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince and in line with the measures taken by the Alpes-Maritimes Prefecture, the Prince’s Government is supplementing the measures introduced by the decision of 17 March covering temporary regulation of movement by introducing a restriction on movement at night between 10...

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Info Covid 19

CORONAVIRUS: six new positive cases identified in Monaco

21 March 2020 Social Affairs and Health Press release

The health authorities in the Principality were informed on Saturday 21 March that following analysis, six samples had tested positive for COVID-19.This brings the number of people infected by coronavirus in the Principality to 18, one of whom has now recovered.The Prince’s Government would like to reiterate the nee...

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Info Covid 19

CORONAVIRUS: one new positive case identified in Monaco

20 March 2020 Social Affairs and Health Press release

The health authorities in the Principality were informed on Friday 20 March that following analysis, one sample had tested positive for COVID-19.An epidemiological investigation is being carried out to determine the individual’s movements over the last few days and identify their contacts.This brings the number of p...

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Info Covid 19

CORONAVIRUS: Access to coast, public gardens and playground closed

20 March 2020 Social Affairs and Health Press release

With immediate effect, the Prince’s Government is banning all access to the coastline and shores of the Principality of Monaco. Below is a full list of the sites covered by this ban.• The ripraps around the Monte-Carlo Sporting Club headland• The private beach at the Meridien Beach Plaza• Larvotto cove in its entire...

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