Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Présentation de l'édition 2023 de la Semaine PhiloMonaco. ©Direction de la Communication-Frédéric Nebinger - Charlotte Casiraghi, with Robert Maggiori, left, and Raphael Zagury-Orly, right. ©Government Communications Department - Frédéric Nebinger

The programme of PhiloMonaco Week 2023 has been announced - From 12 to 18 June 2023

16 May 2023 Culture Press release

The founding members of the philosophy association Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco, Charlotte Casiraghi, the association’s President, Robert Maggiori and Raphael Zagury-Orly, have announced details of the second PhiloMonaco Week, which will take place in various locations around Monaco from 12 to 18 June 202...

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Logo - MCSC 2023

Ana Castelain and JVNO: young Monaco artists to open the MC Summer Concert

16 May 2023 Youth Press release

For this third MC Summer Concert*, young artists from the Principality have been chosen by a judging panel made up of ‘delegates’ from the young people of Monaco and representatives of the Institutions of the Principality, to provide the first part of the concert. Singer Ana Castelain and the band JVNO will have the...

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9ème réunion de haut niveau de l’initiative des petits Etats pour la santé à Luxembourg © SIP - Julien Warnand - 9ème réunion de haut niveau de l’initiative des petits Etats pour la santé à Luxembourg © SIP - Julien Warnand

WHO - Monaco attends the Ninth High-level Meeting of the Small Countries Initiative for health in Luxembourg

16 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Established in 2013 under the aegis of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Small Countries Initiative is a platform through which 11 countries in the European region with populations of two million or less work together to share their experiences and achieve their common health and well-being objectives.At this...

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Monaco ONU Soudan 2023 ©DR - S.E. Mme Carole LANTERI ©DR

Monaco takes part in the Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council to address the human rights impact of the ongoing conflict in Sudan

15 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 11 May 2023, a delegation from Monaco took part in the Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council held in Geneva, devoted to the impact on Human Rights of the conflict in Sudan.This meeting was convened per an official request submitted by the United Kingdom delegation, supported by several member countries a...

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Plan ressources eau 0523 - ©Direction de la Communication - Frédéric Nebinger

Prince’s Government implements water resource management plan and activates “alert” level

15 May 2023 Press release

The Prince’s Government recently adopted a comprehensive plan designed to “guarantee efficient use of water resources”. The plan has been developed in a situation where early drought conditions have been noted since winter.The drought plan comprises four alert levels, from simple vigilance through to a crisis situat...

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