Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Containers Burkina Faso - ©DR

Arrival in Loumbila, Burkina Faso of first Monaco Pavilion containers

11 May 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Four of the containers which made up the Monaco Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 were recently delivered to Loumbila, where they are to become a first-aid training centre for the entire West Africa region.After four months of dismantling work in Milan, shipment by sea from Genoa to Abidjan and the remainder of the journ...

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Grand Prix 2016 : raising pleasure boat owners' awareness of Monegasque Maritime Regulations

11 May 2016 Quality of Life Press release

On the occasion of the Formula 1 Grand Prix and in view of the unusually high number of boats in its waters, the Department of Maritime Affairs (DAM) is taking preventative action with regard to navigational safety and the protection of the marine environment. This action is aimed in particular at pleasure craft anc...

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Round Table "Adolescents' High-Risk Behaviour – Parents' Turn to Speak" Thursday 19 May 2016 at 6.30 p.m. Auditorium – Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco)

09 May 2016 Youth Press release

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport invites parents of pupils to a round table on the subject of:"Adolescents' High-Risk Behaviour"This meeting is organised in association with the Police Department, the Princess Grace Hospital (Department of Psychiatry), the Department of Social Welfare and Socia...

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Nonce Apostolique - Les personnalités présentes autour de S.A.S le Prince Souverain ©Charly Gallo Centre de Presse

Accreditation of H.E. Mr. Luigi Pezzuto, Apostolic Nuncio

09 May 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Monday 9 May 2016, H.E. Mr. Serge Telle, Minister of State, received His Most Rev. Ex. Luigi Pezzuto, Apostolic Nuncio, who presented his Letters of Credence to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince during the morning.An official lunch presided over by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince was given in his honour at the Residence of...

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09 May 2016 Youth Press release

The Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre is busy preparing the annual summer programme for young people in Monaco, with a choice of activities that's as wide as ever.In close association with Monegasque artistic, sporting and cultural associations, everything is being organised to make the 2016 summer...

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