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News of theme "The Economy"
04 July 2024 News flash

16th meeting of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies

©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

The members of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies met at the Ministry of State on Tuesday 2 July under the aegis of the Council’s new Chair, Professor Pierre Dubois.

During the meeting, Alexandre Bubbio, Director of Monaco Statistics (IMSEE), spoke about the Institute’s work, including:

  • the study on housing needs in the Principality
  • the 2024 ESPAD survey
  • the population census
  • current and upcoming projects

Throughout the meeting, members expressed their points of view and submitted new recommendations on measures that could further improve Monaco’s statistical system.

This 16th meeting concluded in the presence of the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, who applauded the expertise of the Council’s previous Chair, Professor Chiappori, now Minister of Finance and Economy, and warmly welcomed his successor Professor Dubois.

He also thanked the members of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies for their active participation and cooperation in publishing the key documents that serve as fundamental tools to guide government action and ensure the harmonious and sustainable development of Monaco.

Members of the Council then attended a working lunch at the Minister of State’s residence.

The Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies provides advice to the Minister of State, who guarantees the Council’s independence. It takes a view on the studies to be carried out, the state of the statistical system and the annual survey programme. Its 11 members are drawn from civil society, assemblies and the Administration.

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