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Monaco ONU Soudan 2023 ©DR - S.E. Mme Carole LANTERI ©DR

Monaco takes part in the Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council to address the human rights impact of the ongoing conflict in Sudan

15 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 11 May 2023, a delegation from Monaco took part in the Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council held in Geneva, devoted to the impact on Human Rights of the conflict in Sudan.This meeting was convened per an official request submitted by the United Kingdom delegation, supported by several member countries a...

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Tournoi de football Jeux inter-fondations CIUP 1 © Antoine Meyssonnier - De gauche à droite : M. Antoine VERRANDO, responsable sport du Comité des résidents de la Fondation de Monaco, M. Guillaume LALLEMENT, responsable football du service des sports de la CIUP (accroupi), Messieurs Stéphane DE LANGRE, Eric AKOUN, Hervé LE GARGASSON, Brahim BOUBKAR, les 4 arbitres officiels de la FFF (en jaune), Mme Martine GARCIA-MASCARENHAS, Directeur de la Fondation de Monaco, M. Bertrand REBOURS, Directeur du service des sports de la CIUP (accroupi), M. Gwendal NOAT, responsable culture du Comité des résidents de la Fondation de Monaco.

2023 University of Paris International Campus Inter-Foundation Games Football Tournament: Monaco Foundation in Paris pushes Operation White Card

12 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On 8 May, 250 international researchers and students participating in the football tournament at the 2023 University of Paris International Campus (CIUP) Inter-Foundation Games, which was won by the team from the Colegio de España, brandished a huge white card in support of Peace and Sport’s #WhiteCard viral campaig...

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FMES © Direction de la Communication - Stéphane Danna - ©Direction de la Communication/Stéphane Danna

Minister of State Pierre Dartout welcomes representatives of the Fondation Méditerranéenne d’Etudes Stratégiques (FMES)

11 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of its first Mediterranean maritime session, the Fondation Méditerranéenne d’Etudes Stratégiques (FMES, Mediterranean Foundation of Strategic Studies) paid a visit to the Principality on 11 and 12 May for a discussion on “What’s the right seabed policy for France in the Mediterranean?”, a vital and topical m...

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SAS OHI - S.A.S. le Prince Albert II visite l’USNS Bruce C. HEEZEN ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

International Hydrographic Organization holds 3rd session of General Assembly in Principality

11 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

From Monday 1 to Friday 5 May, 450 representatives of the 98 member states, observers and private-sector partners of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) gathered in the Principality for the 3rd session of the IHO General Assembly.After the opening ceremony and inauguration of an exhibition at the Grima...

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Ambassadeurs accrédités - Estonie, Pérou, Jamaïque et Cuba - De gauche à droite : S.E. M. Lembit UIBO, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire d’Estonie, S.E. Mme Symone Marie BETTON-NAYO, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de Jamaïque, Mme Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre pour les Relations Extérieures et la Coopération, S.E. M. Otto VAILLANT FRIAS, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de Cuba et S.E. M. Rolando Javier RUIZ-ROSAS CATERIANO, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire du Pérou. © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication

Diplomacy: accreditation of new ambassadors from Estonia – Peru – Jamaica – Cuba

10 May 2023 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On Tuesday 9 May, at a lunch held at the Hotel Hermitage, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, received H.E. Mr Lembit Uibo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Estonia; H.E. Mr Rolando Javier Ruiz-Rosas Cateriano Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru; H.E. M...

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