Presentation of the 2020 Spring Arts Festival (Printemps des Arts) - From 13 March to 11 April 2020
Marc Monnet, Artistic Advisor of the Spring Arts Festival (Printemps des Arts), has just presented the next Festival at the Salle Garnier of the Monte-Carlo Opera; he is the author of a film, through which the public were able to find out about the main trends of this event.
The 2020 Festival will offer 31 concerts and shows, an exhibition, two digital installations in the city, a film screening and numerous discussions and meetings prior to the Festival, as a prelude to the concerts, with the artists.
"As you may have noticed," stated Marc Monnet, "this year, we are featuring some powerful themes, including a focus on Quebec, a cycle of French music, non-European music, with songs and dances from Bali and three days on the theme of the harpsichord."
Events such as the "mystery trip" in particular are very popular with the public, as are concerts held outside the Principality, concerts in apartments, etc., which will of course be featured this year as usual.
Finally, note that "A Path to Understanding the History of Music" by Corinne Schneider, musicologist, will be presented over four sessions, starting on 4 March.
Autres actualités du thème

AGORA, la place du musée [the museum as a meeting place] – LAB#3: the new exhibition at Villa Sauber