End-of-year exams 2023- 2024: impressive results for the Principality’s pupils and students
The Principality’s secondary school pupils and students have once again obtained very good results in the end-of-year exams for 2023-2024.
Pupils achieved a 98% overall pass rate in the Baccalaureate (across all streams), with 82% of candidates achieving honours.
Very good results were obtained for Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB) candidates, with 98% of pupils passing their examinations and 90% achieving honours.
Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) students obtained a perfect pass rate this year of 100%.
Six out of nine students obtained the Diploma in Accounting and Management of Lycée Albert I.
With regards to the Baccalaureate:
Concerning the general category, students at Lycée Albert I achieved a pass rate of 100%.
Lycée François d’Assise – Nicolas Barré obtained a pass rate of 98%, bringing the overall pass rate to 99.4%, with 88% awarded honours as follows:
- · 75 with highest honours (Mention Très Bien),
- · 112 with high honours (Mention Bien),
- · 79 with honours (Mention Assez Bien).
In the technological category (Lycée Albert I and Lycée Rainier III), all of the pupils passed (100%), with 58% awarded honours:
• 1 with highest honours (Mention Très Bien),
- 9 with high honours (Mention Bien),
- 22 with honours (Mention Assez Bien).
In the professional category (Lycée Rainier III), the pass rate was 92%, with 73 % awarded honours:
- · 5 with highest honours (Mention Très Bien),
- · 27 with high honours (Mention Bien),
- · 29 with honours (Mention Assez Bien).
Concerning the Diplôme National du Brevet, 98% of secondary school pupils at public and private schools operating under contract passed their examinations, with 90% awarded honours:
- · 165 with highest honours (Mention Très Bien),
- · 119 with high honours (Mention Bien),
- · 92 with honours (Mention Assez Bien).
Concerning the 2024 Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) examinations, the pass rate was a perfect 100% for students at Lycée Albert I enrolled in the BTS Support for Managerial Activities diploma.
Students in the BTS Accounting and Management and the BTS Hotels and Catering programme at Lycée Rainier III, also obtained a 100% pass rate across all streams.
At the end of this school year, the Prince’s Government once again sends its warmest congratulations to all pupils and students whose efforts and conscientiousness have now been rewarded by results which once again are a credit to the Principality.
These figures once again confirm the quality of education offered to pupils and students in the Principality throughout their studies.