Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Youth"
22 October 2021 News flash

Plenary session of 15th Youth Economic, Social and Environmental Council

Opening of the 15th Youth ESEC, with Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, Chair of the ESEC, Isabelle Bonnal, Commissioner General for the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, Michel Gramaglia, Vice-Chair of the ESEC, Christine Giolitti, Vice-Chair of the ESEC, the headteachers of Lycée Albert I, Lycée François d’Assise - Nicolas Barré and Monaco’s Vocational and Catering School, ESEC advisors, four teachers from the schools involved who are coordinating groups of pupils, and the pupils themselves. © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC) recently opened the 15th Youth ESEC with a plenary session at Monaco’s Vocational and Catering School. The event was attended by Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, Chair of the ESEC, and Isabelle Bonnal, Commissioner General for the Department of Education, Youth and Sport.

Established in November 2007 at the initiative of members of the Economic and Social Council (which was renamed the ESEC in 2019) and developed in close partnership with the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, the Youth ESEC gives the thirty secondary school pupils who participate on a voluntary basis an opportunity to get involved in the life of the city, thinking about topics associated with Monaco’s future or issues that affect them directly.

The young people are supported throughout the year by the ESEC’s secretariat and advisors, working alongside their teachers. The closing session will be held in May, when the pupils will present their proposals. These will be submitted to a vote, and those selected will be attached to the ESEC’s report and sent to the authorities.

For more information, see: https://www.cese.mc/C.E.S.E.-des-Jeunes


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