30th Universal Children’s Day - Wednesday 20 November 2019 - 9 days to go! - A hot-air balloon to celebrate Universal Children’s Day
In the run-up to the thirtieth anniversary celebrations for the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which are being organised on 20 November by the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, a hot-air balloon decorated in the event’s colours was inflated on the esplanade in front of Grimaldi Forum today.
In a week’s time, the esplanade will be transformed into a huge, fun space for children aged between 3 and 13 (admission will be €5). The “Party Esplanade” will host a range of activities between 11.30 am and 7.30 pm: inflatables, creative workshops, party games, an escape game, food stands and more.
A grand charity concert at the Grimaldi Forum, starting at 7.30 pm and featuring Michaël Grégorio, who is well-known for his impressions of famous public figures, will close this day dedicated to the Rights of the Child.
Tickets are available from: www.grimaldiforum.com – Prices: €39 / €49 / €59
The funds raised will be donated to humanitarian organisations* working throughout the world with children who are not granted their basic rights.
* Including primarily: Action Innocence Monaco, Child Care Monaco, Children & Future, Digital Aid, Les Enfants de Frankie, Interactions & Solidarity, Mission Enfance, Mothers of Africa, S.E.B, Walking for Kids.
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