Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Marie-Pierre Gramaglia à la tribune de la COP 23 à Bonn©DR - Copyright - DR

Marie-Pierre Gramaglia speaks at COP 23 in Bonn

16 November 2017 The Environment Press release

On Thursday 16 November 2017, in the middle of the day, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia spoke on behalf of the Principality of Monaco at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 23) in Bonn. In her speech, the Minister recalled the objectives the Principality of Monaco had set for reducing its greenhouse gas emissio...

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Label commerce engagé - Crédit : Direction de l'Environnement 

Launch of the "Responsible Trading" Label

09 November 2017 The Environment Press release

The Government is launching the "Responsible Trade" label. Its aim is to identify traders who are committed to an ecologically, economically and socially responsible approach.The "Responsible Trading" label is free, participative and dynamic. It makes it possible to highlight eco-responsible prac...

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COP 23 © DR - © DR

Delegation from the Principality attends COP 23 in Bonn

07 November 2017 The Environment Press release

A delegation from the Principality has been in Bonn, Germany since 4 November to take part in the 23rdUnited Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 23).The Bonn Conference follows on from COP 21 and the Marrakech Climate Change Conference.Its aim is to make progress on developing the various guidelines, arrangements...

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COP 23 © DR - © DR

Delegation from the Principality attends COP 23 in Bonn

07 November 2017 The Environment Press release

A delegation from the Principality has been in Bonn, Germany since 4 November to take part in the 23rdUnited Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 23).The Bonn Conference follows on from COP 21 and the Marrakech Climate Change Conference.Its aim is to make progress on developing the various guidelines, arrangements...

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Atelier impacts anthropiques - Photo caption: Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, surrounded by all of the workshop participantsPhoto credit: © J. Vivaudo – Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

Workshop on human impacts on Mediterranean marine ecosystems and the economy

27 October 2017 The Environment Press release

On 18 and 19 October, a workshop was held at the Oceanographic Museum on the impact of anthropogenic changes on Mediterranean marine ecosystems and the economy. Co-organised by the Monaco Scientific Centre and Plan Bleu, with support from the Prince’s Government, the Prince Albert II Foundation and the United Nation...

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