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Castellini Genta CP Ext MC Entreprises - ©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

Fonds Bleu du plan de relance économique et plateforme « Extended Monaco pour l’Entreprise »

15 December 2020 Press release

La crise sanitaire a démontré l’importance du numérique pour aider notre économie à rebondir. Bien au-delà, il s’agit d’un formidable levier de développement pour les entreprises. En effet, le numérique est synonyme de nombreuses opportunités et constitue un enjeu économique majeur de notre époque.Dans ce contexte i...

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smbusiness2020 - ©DR

An "Accessible Administration" at the Service of the Monegasque Economy

23 October 2020 Press release

The 8th Monaco Business trade fair will take place on 27 October 2020 at the Rainier III Auditorium.The health and economic crisis has shown how important it is for the players in Monaco's economic fabric to be able to depend on an Administration that is local and accessible, enabling a proactive response to their n...

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Inauguration nouveaux locaux Direction du Travail - ©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi

Inauguration of the New Premises of the Department of Employment

14 October 2020 Employment News flash

On Wednesday 14 October, the new premises of the Department of Employment were inaugurated by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince in the presence of H.E. Mr. Pierre Dartout, Minister of State, Ministers Ms. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia and Mr. Didier Gamerdinger, Mr. Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council and Ms. Pasc...

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Pano monaco - ©Direction de la Communication

Reception Arrangements at the Department of Employment

12 May 2020 Press release

In view of developments in the health situation related to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government has decided to gradually resume the activity of public services, giving preference to interactions over the phone, via e-mail or online services.Thus, the Department of Employment informs you that, since Monday 4 May 202...

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Info Covid 19

Strengthened provisions for total temporary layoff: procedure now available online

23 March 2020 Press release

Companies in the Principality who wish to seek authorisation to make use of the strengthened provisions for total temporary layoff (CTTR) for their employees can now submit their requests online.Using the online service, companies can both: request authorisation to make use of CTTR; submit their monthly payment o...

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