Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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GDP 2016: Key results and commentary

10 November 2017 Press release

Monaco’s GDP for 2016 was EUR 5.85 billion compared with EUR 5.64 billion in 2015. It recorded growth of +3.2% (in real terms, corrected for inflation, see table 1).TABLE 1: GDP in millions of euro and growth rate...

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Visite 6e FFA - Copyright visuel : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication 

6th Forum on Sandwich Courses and 11th Meeting on Careers in Banking and Finance – Very Positive Results

09 February 2017 Youth Press release

The 6thForum on Sandwich Courses and the 11thMeeting on Careers in Banking and Finance took place at the Rainier III Auditorium yesterday. Following these meetings, in the late afternoon, the 4thApprenticeship Trophies were awarded.This event, which is increasingly successful, attracted more than 500 visitors throug...

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7th Meeting of the Committee for Graduate Employment

15 December 2016 Employment Press release

On Thursday 15 December 2016, the Committee for Graduate Employment met for the 7thconsecutive year, to present the results of its activities and decide upon the activities to be undertaken in 2017.The Committee, which is presided over by the Minister of State, is comprised of 13 members (1), in addition to the Comm...

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PIB 2015 - Retrouvez le Rapport Annuel 2015 sur www.imsee.mc

IMSEE publishes Annual GDP Report for 2015

10 November 2016 Princely Governement News flash

Calculated since 2005 by the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE), the Principality’s gross domestic product (GDP) is the subject of an annual report which presents detailed results. The annual economic growth rate as well as GDP per employee and GDP per capita are also presented, and the...

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L'affiche de l'opération. - L’ensemble des informations ainsi recueillies figurera sur le site internet dédié à cette opération et mis en ligne à l’adresse : www.monacosundayexperience.com

Été 2016 : Le Gouvernement accompagne les commerces ouverts le dimanche

04 July 2016 Princely Governement Press release

En 2006, le Gouvernement Princier mettait en place un dispositif d’ouverture des commerces le dimanche. Le pays devenait ainsi plus attractif le weekend aux yeux des différentes clientèles de l’été. Le but: proposer une offre combinée de shopping, bien-être, gastronomie et culture. Le Gouvernement reconduit l’opérat...

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