NMNM - The Apprentice Collectors 2018
"Apprentice Collectors" ("Les Apprentis Collectionneurs"), initiated in 2017, is an educational programme by the New National Museum of Monaco - supported by SOGEDA this year - with the aim of familiarising teenagers with contemporary art and the various missions of an art museum.
As last year, pupils from the Art option of Years 12 and 13 of the Lycée François d'Assise- Nicolas Barré took part in a series of meetings, visits, workshops and discussions with contemporary art professionals throughout the year.
The 3rd artmonte-carlo contemporary art fair, which offered students an international panel on artistic creation and the art market, was an opportunity for them to select works relevant to the Museum's collections.
For the second year, on 18 May 2018 at the Villa Sauber, "The Apprentice Collectors" proposed a dozen works to an acquisition committee, which was specially comprised for the occasion of Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of the NMNM, Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, Martine Frésia, Ambassador of the Circle of Sponsors (Cercle des Mécènes) and a member of the NMNM Acquisitions Committee, Hélène Guenin, Director of the MAMAC (Nice) and Pierre Nouvion, Chairman of the Scientific Committee and a member of the NMNM's Board of Directors and Acquisitions Committee.
Three works were selected by the jury this year and will therefore become part of the NMNM's collections: Study for Crashpad, 2014 (Andreas Angelidakis), Sans titre (Paysage #102) (Untitled (Landscape #102) 2018 (Xavier Theunis) and So Alone, 2012 (Carsten Höller).
Autres actualités du thème

AGORA, la place du musée [the museum as a meeting place] – LAB#3: the new exhibition at Villa Sauber