2018 Monaco Philosophical Meetings Prize: Etienne Bimbenet Wins the Award
Following a colloquium organised by the Monaco Philosophical Meetings on 6 and 7 June, the 2018 Prize, for a work of philosophy published in French the year before the prize ceremony, was awarded to Étienne Bimbenet for "Le Complexe des trois singes - Essai sur l'animalité humaine" ("The Three Monkey Complex – An Essay on Human Animality"*), published by Editions Le Seuil. The 2018 Honorary Mention, which pays tribute to a French-language publisher that has distinguished itself in the publication of philosophical works, was awarded to the GF Corpus/Philosophy collection, published by Flammarion. Finally, the 2018 High School Students' Prize for a student writing on the subject of "Is There Legitimate Violence?" was warded to Hugo Giaccardi.
During the closing evening, which was presented by Élisabeth Quin, Charlotte Casiraghi, the President of the Monaco Philosophical Meetings, paid homage to the psychoanalyst and philosopher Anne Dufourmantelle, who died last summer. The winner of the 2017 Prize, Emanuele Coccia, also gave a lecture on the subject of "What is Philosophy?"
This year, the programme of the Colloquium featured two other lectures, on the subject of "What Houses for Philosophy?" and "What Houses for Cultures?" and a day of "philosophy lessons," during which the participants were invited to follow the teachings of thinkers on major philosophers of the 20th century. Another highlight of these days was a meeting led by Élisabeth Quin between the public and the five authors shortlisted for the 2018 Prize, which gave rise to much discussion, many questions, and much philosophical reflection among the participants.
For full information, see www.philomonaco.com
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