Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Social Affairs and Health"
27 April 2020 Press release

The Government Wishes to Make it Easier for Employers to Obtain Supplies of Masks

With a view to the gradual resumption of economic activity in the Principality, and to protect employees by equipping them with masks, the Monegasque State has decided to make its supply channels available to all employers in the Principality.  Employers can therefore purchase alternative masks at cost price - i.e. 1€ excluding taxes (VAT at 5.5%).

Distribution operations have already begun via employers' organisations.

In order to extend this distribution to all employers, facilitate the ordering of these masks and ensure they are ready for collection as soon as possible, an online service will be made available in the coming days on the Public Service for Businesses website.  The practical details will be set out on the dedicated page, which will be available on the same website (S'approvisionner en masques pour vos salariés ). 

Interested employers will simply have to fill in a form and specify the number of employees concerned by the resumption of activity and the quantity of masks required for one month's work.  This will enable the Unit responsible for distribution to process the request and prepare the appropriate order.  Applicants will then be offered a time slot for collection of the masks.

The aim of this new online service is to make the process easier for all employers and meet their requirements in the shortest possible time.

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