Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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United Kingdom

Representation of the Principality of Monaco in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Representation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the Principality of Monaco

Embassy of Monaco in United Kingdom

Ambassador: H.E. Ms Evelyne GENTA

O. of order of St-Charles

7, Upper Grosvenor Street
W1K 2LX Londres
United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) 207 318 10 81
Fax: (+44 207 493 45 63

Email: embassy.uk@diplomatie.gouv.mc

Website: www.embassy-to-uk.gouv.mc

Consulate of Monaco in United Kingdom



Honorary Consul: Mr. Robert MILLE

2 Bickenhill Road

Marston Green


B 37 7EL

Phone : 00441212131036

Email : millerobert38@gmail.com




Honorary Consul: Mr John K. SCOTT MONCRIEFF

23 Cluny Drive

Edimbourg EH10 6DW

United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) 131 447 17 91

Email: john.scottmoncrieff@outlook.com




Honorary Consul: Mr Ivan Bozidar IVANOVIC
Knight of Order of Grimaldi

Staveley House

Staveley Road

London W4 3HU

United Kingdom

Phone: (+44)  20 7235 6150

Email: monacoconsulate@btconnect.com



Embassy of United Kingdom in Monaco 

Ambassador: H.E. Dame Menna RAWLINGS 

35, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

75008 Paris
Phone: (+33) 1 44 51 31 01/32 03

Secretariat's email: mandy.newick@fcdo.gov.uk

Website : www.gov.uk/world/france



General Consulate of United Kingdom in Monaco

General Consul: Vacant

Les Docks de Marseille

La Joliette, Atrium 10.3 – 1st floor

13002 Marseille

Phone : +334 91 15 72 17



Honorary Consulate of United Kingdom in Monaco

Honorary Consul: Mr Éric Gordon Frank BLAIR

O. of Order of Saint-Charles

« Member of the British Empire » M.B.E.

"Buckingham Palace"
11, avenue Saint Michel
MC 98000 Monaco
Phone: (+377) 93 50 99 54
Email: Eric.Blair@fcdowebmail.fcdo.gov.uk
