9th International Monaco and the Mediterranean Meeting Artistes and Intellectuals in the Mediterranean Their Place, their Roles and their Challenges
The Ninth International Monaco and the Mediterranean Meeting, held under the High Patronage of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, will take place on 15 & 16 March 2018 at the Oceanographic Museum on the theme of "Artists and Intellectuals in the Mediterranean - Their Place, their Roles and their Challenges." The aim of this international colloquium, which is open to the public, is two-fold - to recall the rich cultural history of the Mediterranean and highlight creators' ability to find new ways to express the Mediterranean spirit.
Long considered by Paul Valéry as a "factory of civilisations," the image of the beaming Mediterranean now seems to be faltering – today, it is seen only as a sea whose ecosystem is threatened and its societies torn apart.
Between these two contrasting visions of the Mediterranean, the glorified vision of the past and the tarnished vision of today, it is essential to reconsider its heritage, its values and its life forces.
The Ninth International Monaco and the Mediterranean Meetings will bring together intellectuals and creators to analyse the influence of this "unique and multiple" space and try to renew the way it is seen.
These Meetings will include three round tables and a film screening
The first round table, entitled "The Mediterranean: Inspiration and Circulation" will enable historians of art and ideas to discuss the emergence of a glorified idea of the Mediterranean between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, based on discussions on:
- How, and by whom, was this idea created? How has it changed and in which areas has it been disseminated? How did we move away from the idea of a sunny Mediterranean to a tormented Mediterranean?
- A second round table on "Mediterranean Literature: Cross-cutting Dialogues" will give the floor to writers who will give accounts of their relationship with the central issues of the Mediterranean basin: identity, exile, religious and political crises, the environment, climate change, etc.
- The final round table, on "Art in Motion," will feature accounts by visual artists, architects, film directors and directors of museums on the following subjects: What are their sources of inspiration? How do they fit into a globalised world? Do they feel as if they are participating in a common Mediterranean cultural identity? Do they have all the means to express themselves?
Finally, the closing evening will be devoted to a film screening in the presence of the director.
Autres actualités du thème

AGORA, la place du musée [the museum as a meeting place] – LAB#3: the new exhibition at Villa Sauber