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- Human Resources and Training Department
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Contact details
Human Resources and Training Department
Direction des Ressources Humaines et de la Formation de la Fonction Publique
Director : Mr Christophe ORSINIContact details
The Human Resources and Training Department, under the authority of the Minister of State, has the remit of:
- Ensuring implementation of the Act n° 975 of 12 july 1975, modified, the Act n° 188 of 18 july 1934 and the specific provisions relating to other government officials, and proposing measures aimed at amending said statutory and specific provisions
- Drafting regulatory provisions to enact the status and ensuring that they are enforced
- Recruiting all civil servants and other government officials
- Promoting the training of all civil servants and other government officials
- Tracking the careers of all civil servants and other government officials
- Ensuring the Public Service workforce planning and development
- Proposing measures relating to remuneration, pension schemes, working hours or times for all civil servants and other government officials
- Proposing measures to improve working conditions
- Examining, in direct liaison with Chief Officers and Directors, all questions relating to organisation and mobility within the Public Service
- Steering dialogue with all Ministries on their human resources management policy
- Keeping personnel files for all civil servants and other government officials
- Building up documentation and overall statistics regarding the Public Sector and developing internal communication
Legal References
Act no. 188 of 18 July 1934 pertaining to public service occupations
Act no. 975 of 12 July 1975 relating to the status of the State’s civil servants
Contact details
The Government
The Ministry of State
- Attractiveness Department
General Secretariat of the Government
- EU Coordination Unit
- Journal de Monaco
- Human Resources and Training Department
- Department of Legal Affairs
- National Archives Preparatory Mission
- Central Records Office
- Government Communication Department
- Information Technologies Department
- Digital Services Department
- Digital Platforms and Resources Department
- Interministerial Delegation for Digital Transition
- Expenditure Control Authority
- General Inspectorate of Civil Service
- Monaco Statistics
- Monaco Cyber Security Agency
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Finance and Economy
- Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
- Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation