Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Gestion intégrée de la zone côtière : RAMOGE, une zone pilote de coopération sous régionale - Conférence au Musée océanographique de Monaco

13 September 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

Dans le cadre de son quarantième anniversaire, l'Accord RAMOGE organise une conférence au Musée océanographique*, le mardi 20 septembre à 18h30 au cours de laquelle seront présentés les travaux, menés depuis 40 ans, pour une gestion intégrée de la zone côtière.Créé en 1976, l’Accord RAMOGE signé par la Principauté d...

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Un sac our la vie

The "A Bag for Life" Campaign

08 September 2016 The Environment Press release

Since 1 June 2016, the distribution and sale of single-use plastic carrier bags has been banned in the Principality. The aim of this initiative by the Prince's Government, at the instigation of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, is to greatly reduce the use of plastics in Monaco. The consequences of their dispersal in the...

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“ I sail, I sort ” campaign comes to Monaco!

19 July 2016 The Environment Press release

RAMOGE gets involved in “ I sail, I sort ” campaignled by Vacances Propres*Initiative 100% dedicated to preventing litter at seaThe RAMOGE Commission, one of whose concerns is to limit the amount of waste at sea, was keen to support the “Je navigue, je trie” (“I sail, I recycle”) campaign. In the Principality, the P...

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China campaign - ©DR

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation partners with WWF China to launch the “Stop Buying Ivory” campaign

12 July 2016 The Environment Press release

With around 30,000 elephants being poached for their tusks each year, WWF and TRAFFIC (the wildlife trade monitoring network) have today launched a major campaign to convince Chinese citizens to “Stop Buying Ivory”. The launch took place at the Salon Monaco in Beijing, with the support of the Prince Albert II of Mon...

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APIdays 2016 - © Government Communication Department / Charly Gallo

APIdays 2016 : national awareness days for bees, environmental sentinels

17 June 2016 The Environment News flash

The 2016 APIdays event, organised by beekeepers from the Union Nationale de l’Apiculture Française (UNAF, French National Union of Beekeeping) in more than 80 towns and cities, was celebrated on Friday 17 June in Monaco. The event gave everyone an opportunity to come and find out about the critical role bees play in...

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