Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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23 October 2024 Press release

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï in Burundi on a working visit

Isabelle BERRO-AMADEÏ en Visite de travail au Burundi © DCI

From 15 to 20 October 2024, a Monegasque delegation* led by Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, travelled to Burundi to meet local partners and beneficiaries of projects supported by Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation. They also held discussions with Burundian officials. A framework cooperation agreement was signed by the two countries before the visit.

This visit highlighted initiatives led by the Department of International Cooperation in the country and strengthened ties with the Burundian authorities. Prior to the visit, on the sidelines of the 19th Summit of the Francophonie in Villers-Cotterêts (France), on 5 October, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï and her Burundian counterpart, H.E. Mr Albert Shingiro signed a framework cooperation agreement intended to deepen relations of friendship and cooperation with Burundi, a longstanding partner of Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation. Guided by a desire to contribute to the national priorities of development, the Prince’s Government has thus consolidated this commitment alongside the Government of Burundi.

This first ministerial-level visit to the country also enabled the renewal of a partnership between Monaco and the World Food Programme (WFP), which implements Burundi’s national school food programme. The programme provides 82,000 children in 100 schools across the country’s three provinces with hot and nutritious meals made with local ingredients as part of a pilot project to develop high-quality school canteens.

The Monegasque delegation also visited partners and beneficiaries around the country. Visits provided a comprehensive overview of projects supported by the Prince’s Government in Burundi in the Department’s four areas of intervention:  health, food security, education, child welfare and access to decent work. The delegation met with Burundian non-profits (FVS – Amie des Enfants), international NGOs (Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières, WeWorld-GVC, FXB International) and United Nations agencies (World Food Programme, the UN Refugee Agency and UN Women).

Signature de l'Accord PAM-ONUFEMMES © DCI

With Monegasque volunteer organisations operating in Burundi, the Delegation was able to visit sites run by Monaco’s international solidarity organisations, including Fight Aids, Peace and Sport and AMADE. This association was in fact represented at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the “Amie des Enfants” school in Matana, an inclusive educational programme for orphans and vulnerable children, sponsored by Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation.

Burundi, a country subject to multiple problems including climate change, difficult socio-economic conditions, food insecurity and poverty, is one of the 11 partners that the Department of International Cooperation has worked with since 2008. The Prince’s Government helps Burundi in its efforts to meet these national challenges through its programmes for school canteens, education for repatriated children and community healthcare. The Principality has had an Honorary Consul in Bujumbura since 2012, Ms Spès Nihangaza, and the Department of International Cooperation recently hired a Country Coordinator, Mr Joseph Nsabiyumva.


The Monegasque delegation comprised: Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Spès Nihangaza, Honorary Consul of Monaco to Burundi; Bénédicte Schutz, Monaco’s Special Representative for International Cooperation; Julien Siri, Burundi Programme Manager for the Department of International Cooperation (DCI); and Joseph Nsabiyumva, Country Coordinator for the DCI in Burundi.

Visite d'une cantine scolaire avec le PAM © DCI








La délégation monégasque au Consulat de Bujumbura © DCI












Echanges avec une bénéficiaire du projet FXB dans Bujumbura rural © DCI













Avec les OEV de l'Ecole de Matana © DCI






Projet d'éducation des enfants rapatriés avec le HCR © DCI

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