Combatting bullying in schools: a telephone helpline has been established to support pupils at risk
In an effort to combat bullying in schools and to make it easier for people to speak out, the Prince's Government is launching a telephone hotline to report bullying.
The number is 98 98 96 96. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The scheme was made possible thanks to a successful partnership between the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and the Victims of Offences Help Association.
The number is for everyone: children and teenagers who are victims of bullying and all forms of violence at school (physical violence, intimidation, mockery, insults, threats, cyberbullying, etc.), those who witness such situations, and parents and school staff.
Professionals from the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and the Victims of Offences Help Association will assist callers to ensure that all measures are taken to support the victim and resolve the situation in question.
The launch of this helpline, 98 98 96 96, complements the many existing tools designed to deal with and put an end to bullying at school, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 1.513 of 3 December 2021 on Combating Bullying and Violence at School.
The Prince's Government reaffirms that combating bullying in schools is a top priority and a matter that concerns us all.
For more information, see the dedicated sheet on the MonServicePublic website: