Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Map of Electromagnetic Measurements

To address citizens' growing concerns about radio frequency emissions, the Principality of Monaco has adopted regulations in this respect that are among the most stringent in Europe

L' Ordinance no. 3.020 of 26 November 2010 pertaining to limiting the public’s exposure to electromagnetic fields therefore sets a threshold electric field of 6 V/m* for the entire spectrum, between 100 kHz and 6 GHz.  In this frequency band, this limit value is 4.5 times below the lowest limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), i.e. 28 V/m.  An additional restriction of 4 V/m was introduced for emissions from mobile phone base stations (set at 6 V/m for public stopping-off place inside buildings).

The Smart Nation Department, which is attached to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of State, is responsible for ensuring that emissions from the Principality's radio networks comply with the regulatory thresholds.

All the measurements carried out by the DDUN can be consulted on the website cartoradio.mc  which also provides information on all the radio sites in the Principality for mobile telephony and FM radio.

* : V/m (volt per metre) is the unit of measurement for electric fields.
